我应用了问题 Spark 中的算法:如何使用嵌套数组转置和分解列,以使用动态数组转置和分解嵌套的 spark 数据框.
I applied an algorithm from the question Spark: How to transpose and explode columns with nested arrays to transpose and explode nested spark dataframe with dynamic arrays.
我已经添加到数据帧 """{"id":3,"c":[{"date":3,"val":3,"val_dynamic";:3}]}}""""
,带有新列 c
,其中数组具有新的 val_dynamic
I have added to the dataframe """{"id":3,"c":[{"date":3,"val":3, "val_dynamic":3}]}}"""
, with new column c
, where array has new val_dynamic
field which can appear on random basis.
我正在寻找所需的输出 2(转置和爆炸),但即使是所需输出 1(转置)的示例也会非常有用.
I'm looking for required output 2 (Transpose and Explode ) but even example of required output 1 (Transpose) will be very useful.
| a| b| c| id|
|[{1, 1}, {11, 11}]| null| null| 1|
| null|[{2, 2}]| null| 2|
| null| null|[{3, 3, 3}]| 3| !!! NOTE: Added `val_dynamic`
|-- a: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- date: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- val: long (nullable = true)
|-- b: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- date: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- val: long (nullable = true)
|-- c: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- date: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- val: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- val_dynamic: long (nullable = true) !!! NOTE: Added `val_dynamic`
|-- id: long (nullable = true)
所需的输出 1 (transpose_df):
Required output 1 (transpose_df):
| id| cols | arrays |
| 1| a | [{1, 1}, {11, 11}]|
| 2| b | [{2, 2}] |
| 3| c | [{3, 3, 3}] | !!! NOTE: Added `val_dynamic`
所需的输出 2 (explode_df):
Required output 2 (explode_df):
| id|cols|date|val|val_dynamic|
| 1| a| 1| 1| null |
| 1| a| 11| 11| null |
| 2| b| 2| 2| null |
| 3| c| 3| 3| 3 | !!! NOTE: Added `val_dynamic`
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
df = spark.read.json(sc.parallelize([
"""{"id":3,"c":[{"date":3,"val":3, "val_dynamic":3}]}}"""
cols = [ 'a', 'b', 'c']
#expr = stack(2,'a',a,'b',b,'c',c )
expr = f"stack({len(cols)}," + \
",".join([f"'{c}',{c}" for c in cols]) + \
transpose_df = df.selectExpr("id", expr) \
.withColumnRenamed("col0", "cols") \
.withColumnRenamed("col1", "arrays") \
.filter("not arrays is null")
explode_df = transpose_df.selectExpr('id', 'cols', 'inline(arrays)')
AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'stack(3, 'a', `a`, 'b', `b`, 'c', `c`)' due to data type mismatch: Argument 2 (array<struct<date:bigint,val:bigint>>) != Argument 6 (array<struct<date:bigint,val:bigint,val_dynamic:bigint>>); line 1 pos 0;
'Project [id#2304L, unresolvedalias(stack(3, a, a#2301, b, b#2302, c, c#2303), Some(org.apache.spark.sql.Column$$Lambda$2580/0x00000008411d3040@4d9eefd0))]
+- LogicalRDD [a#2301, b#2302, c#2303, id#2304L], false
ref : 使用 Spark 将列转置为行
要求所有堆叠的列具有相同的类型.这里的问题是数组内部的结构具有不同的成员.一种方法是将缺少的成员添加到所有结构中,以便我的之前的答案 的方法再次起作用.
requires that all stacked columns have the same type. The problem here is that the structs inside of the arrays have different members. One approach would be to add the missing members to all structs so that the approach of my previous answer works again.
cols = ['a', 'b', 'c']
#create a map containing all struct fields per column
existing_fields = {c:list(map(lambda field: field.name, df.schema.fields[i].dataType.elementType.fields))
for i,c in enumerate(df.columns) if c in cols}
#get a (unique) set of all fields that exist in all columns
all_fields = set(sum(existing_fields.values(),[]))
#create a list of transform expressions to fill up the structs will null fields
transform_exprs = [f"transform({c}, e -> named_struct(" +
",".join([f"'{f}', {('e.'+f) if f in existing_fields[c] else 'cast(null as long)'}" for f in all_fields])
+ f")) as {c}" for c in cols]
#create a df where all columns contain arrays with the same struct
full_struct_df = df.selectExpr("id", *transform_exprs)
|-- id: long (nullable = true)
|-- a: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = false)
| | |-- val: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- val_dynamic: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- date: long (nullable = true)
|-- b: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = false)
| | |-- val: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- val_dynamic: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- date: long (nullable = true)
|-- c: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = false)
| | |-- val: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- val_dynamic: long (nullable = true)
| | |-- date: long (nullable = true)
From here the logic works as before:
stack_expr = f"stack({len(cols)}," + \
",".join([f"'{c}',{c}" for c in cols]) + \
transpose_df = full_struct_df.selectExpr("id", stack_expr) \
.withColumnRenamed("col0", "cols") \
.withColumnRenamed("col1", "arrays") \
.filter("not arrays is null")
explode_df = transpose_df.selectExpr('id', 'cols', 'inline(arrays)')
The first part of this answer requires that
中提到的每一列都是一个结构体数组- 所有结构体的所有成员都是
.此限制的原因是创建转换表达式时的cast(null as long)
- each column mentioned in
is an array of structs - all members of all structs are
s. The reason for this restriction is thecast(null as long)
when creating the transform expression.