

Bluetooth Low Energy中的步数计数是什么服务,特征值(UUID)?蓝牙文档的相应页面未列出任何步骤.如何计算步数?步骤是否计数设备使用运行速度和节奏服务?谢谢.

What is the service, characteristics value (UUIDs) for step count in Bluetooth Low Energy? The corresponding pages for bluetooth docs does not list any for steps. How to calculate steps count? Does steps count devices use running speed and cadence service?Thanks.


某些设备确实使用了Running Speed and Cadence服务.您应该可以通过将总距离"除以瞬时步幅长度".两者均可在 RSC中获得测量

Some devices does indeed use the Running Speed and Cadence service. You should be able to calculate the step count by dividing the "Total Distance" by the "Instantaneous Stride Length". Both of which are available in RSC Measurement


10-21 10:07