



您应该可以通过 cabal configure --package-db 标志,记录如下:



When installing inside a cabal sandbox, cabal will still use packages from the global package db (in particular, packages which came from the Haskell Platform). This can lead to install conflicts. Is it possible to configure cabal to ignore the global package db?

I see the corresponding feature has been implemented in ghc itself, via a -no-global-package-db option (see https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5977), and ghc-pkg will ignore the global package db if you do not pass it the --global flag. Is there a way to configure cabal similarly?

Also, there's a closed issue against cabal implying the opposite behavior (rebuilding everything instead of using packages from the installed Haskell Platform), so I'm not sure if this behavior has changed over time; see https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/1695


You should be able to pass cabal configure the --package-db flag, documented like so:

So in particular, you can pass it clear and then pass it just the sandbox db.

This is all discussed in wonderful detail in the Storage and Interpretation of Cabalized Packages article.


10-22 08:24