


I wish to profile my program written in Haskell.


On compilation, I am told that I do not have profiling libraries for certain dependencies (e.g., criterion) installed and cabal aborts.


I have no interest in profiling parts of those dependencies; code called from main doesn't even use them.


How can I profile my application without installing profiling libraries I don't need and without removing all those dependencies?


要避免必须通过分析编译一切的好方法是使用cabal沙箱.它仅允许您为一个应用程序设置沙箱,因此您不必重新安装整个~/.cabal前缀.您将需要Cabal的最新版本,因此请先运行cabal update && cabal install cabal-install.

A good way to circumvent having to compile everything with profiling is to use cabal sandbox. It allows you to set up a sandbox for one application only, and thereby you won't have to re-install your entire ~/.cabal prefix. You'll need a recent version of Cabal, so run cabal update && cabal install cabal-install first.

初始化沙箱后,请创建文件cabal.config以包含必要的指令(在您的情况下为library-profiling: Trueexecutable-profiling: True也可能很方便.)

Once you initialise a sandbox, create a file cabal.config to include the necessary directives (in your case library-profiling: True; executable-profiling: True may also be handy.)


A side-effect of this is that you can test your code with dependencies that need not be installed globally, for example, experimental versions, or outdated versions.

顺便说一句,我不认为您需要启用分析才能使criterion工作.无论如何,它在没有启用分析的情况下都对我有效.只需编写一个包含main = defaultMain benchmarksMain模块,其中benchmarks的类型为[Benchmark],即您已编写的基准列表.

btw, I don't think you need to have profiling enabled for criterion to work. In any case, it works for me without profiling being enabled. Just write a Main module that contains main = defaultMain benchmarks where benchmarks has type [Benchmark], i.e. a list of benchmarks that you've written.

然后,您编译该文件(例如,我们将其与ghc --make -o bench benchmarks.hs一起命名为benchmarks.hs,并使用适当的参数运行程序./bench(有关详细信息,请咨询标准文档.一个很好的默认参数是./bench -o benchmarks.html会生成类似于这一个)

You then compile that file (say, we call it benchmarks.hs with ghc --make -o bench benchmarks.hs, and run the program, ./bench with the appropriate arguments (consult the criterion documentation for details. A good default argument is, say ./bench -o benchmarks.html which will generate a nifty report similar to this one)


10-19 07:03