有没有人知道如何在 access-vba .我正在尝试做类似的事情:
Does anyone out there know how to do a stack trace in access-vba. I'm trying to do something like:
Public Sub a()
Call c
End Sub
Public Sub b()
Call c
End Sub
Public Sub c()
Debug.Print "Which sub has called me ?"
End Sub
我要在Sub c
中执行的操作是显示是否已通过Sub a
或Sub b
调用了该调用,而没有传递任何参数.在 c 的问题中,我只是显示堆栈,但我有不知道在VBA中这是否可行-有什么想法吗?
What I want to do in Sub c
is to show if that has been called by Sub a
or Sub b
without passing any arguments. In c I would simply show the stack but I have no idea if this is even possible in VBA - any thoughts ?
-> Call Stack
You can access the call stack during runtime under the menu View
-> Call Stack
或者,您可以在运行时使用键盘快捷键 + .
Alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcut + during runtime.