我正在使用tkinter Treeview
I am using the tkinter Treeview
widget to show a database. The command when clicking on one of the headings is used for sorting the table based on the clicked column.
Additionally I want a tooltip box show up as soon as I hover (or right click) over one of the headings. The tooltips aren't a problem for other widgets but the heading of a treeview isn't a full widget of course.
How can I bind any action to the headings except for the usual command?
您可以将事件绑定到Treeview小部件本身.窗口小部件具有名为 identify 的方法.可以用来确定事件发生在树视图的哪一部分.
You can bind the events to the treeview widget itself. The widget has a method named identify which can be used to determine which part of the treeview the event occurred over.
self.tree = ttk.Treeview(...)
self.tree.bind("<Double-1>", self.on_double_click)
def on_double_click(self, event):
region = self.tree.identify("region", event.x, event.y)
if region == "heading":