

现在,只要具有GCE访问权限,每个人都可以访问GCE中的任何服务器. gcloud comput ssh命令可以ssh到任何服务器中.

Right now everyone can access absolutely any server in GCE so long as they have GCE access. The gcloud comput ssh command can ssh into any server.


How do I make sure that only the person that created the server has access?


可以基于 GCE IAM角色通过操作系统登录:

例如,您可以使用 请按照以下步骤操作:

As an example, you might grant instance access to your users with the following process:

  1. 授予必要的实例访问角色给用户.用户必须具有以下角色:

  1. Grant the necessary instance access roles to the user. Users must have the following roles:

  • iam.serviceAccountUser角色.
  • 以下登录角色之一:
    • compute.osLogin角色,该角色不授予管理员权限
    • compute.osAdminLogin角色,授予管理员权限
    • The iam.serviceAccountUser role.
    • One of the following login roles:
      • The compute.osLogin role, which does not grant administrator permissions
      • The compute.osAdminLogin role, which grants administrator permissions


      But note that not all GCE image families have OS Login support:

      • 所有项目coreos-cloud(CoreOS)映像系列
      • 项目suse-cloud(SLES)映像系列sles-11
      • 所有Windows Server和SQL Server映像家族
      • All project coreos-cloud (CoreOS) image families
      • Project suse-cloud (SLES) image family sles-11
      • All Windows Server and SQL Server image families


08-26 08:22