本文介绍了OptimizerService GetBidOpportunities上限为每个帐户500?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在通过Java API(v9)使用此服务来提取首页最低出价数据。

I'm using this service via the Java API (v9) to pull down first page minimum bid data.

我的初始尝试刚刚指定了AccountId并且它运行良好除外我只回来了500个响应对象。我尝试分解帐户并指定AccountId / CampaignId,它似乎有效,但我得到的总出价建议

My initial attempt just specified AccountId and it worked great except that I was only getting a max of 500 response objects back. I tried breaking up accounts and specifying AccountId/CampaignId and it seems to work but the total bid suggestions I get back never totals to more than 500 per account.

例如,比如说AccountId 12345里面有三个CampaignIds(98765,76543和54321)。如果我只使用AccountId 12345查询,我只会收到500个出价建议。如果我使用CampaignIds 98765,76543和54321单独查询,我可能会收到325,100和

For example, say AccountId 12345 has three CampaignIds in it (98765, 76543, and 54321). If I query with just AccountId 12345 I only get 500 bid suggestions back. If I query individually with CampaignIds 98765, 76543, and 54321, I might get 325, 100, and 75 bid suggestions back.


This happens for every account we have and I have a hard time believing they all have exactly 500 or fewer bid suggestions, especially as there may be thousands of keywords per ad group.


Has anyone run into this before?


很棒的问题。我与功能团队确认这是设计的。该服务将为每个帐户提供最多500个机会* *。例如,每个帐户最多包括所有这些机会:

Great question. I confirmed with the feature team this is by design. The service will provide up to 500 opportunities *of each type* per account. For example up to and including all of these opportunities per account:




Please note that I included links to the AdInsight Version 10 service above, which willreplace Ad Intelligence and Optimizer. The same limits apply to the Optimizer service operations. We are updating the documentation to clarify.


这篇关于OptimizerService GetBidOpportunities上限为每个帐户500?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-10 15:40