本文介绍了商业审计日志 - 推荐的库或方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


您知道用于审计日志的优秀 Java 库吗?或者至少是一本好书/文章来帮助选择好的方法来为应用程序构建审计日志?

do you know any good Java library for audit logging? Or at least good book/article to help choose good approach to build audit log for an application?

- 定义通用审计元数据(用户 ID、时间、IP 等)
- 定义审计消息类型(发送的事务,接收的消息,...)
- 锁定/签署个人审计消息(用于不可否认性)
- 基于元数据搜索审计日志
- 等等

Library requirements:
- define common audit metadata (userId, time, IP, ...)
- define audit message types (transaction sent, message received, ...)
- lock/sign individual audit messages (for non-repudiation)
- search audit log based on metadata
- etc.


I'm not looking for automated solution, I'm perfectly happy with calling something like:

AuditEvent event = new TransactionSentEvent(userId, account, amount, ...)

关键是要有它背后的基础设施 - 安全存储到数据库、不信誉等.

The point is to have the infrastructure behind it - safe storage to database, non-reputability etc.


这个怎么样 https://github.com/dima767/inspektr我和你上面描述的要求几乎一样,正在深入研究 inspektr.

what about this https://github.com/dima767/inspektrI have almost the same requirements as you described above, and am digging into inspektr.

这篇关于商业审计日志 - 推荐的库或方法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 09:33