我希望在我的 SVN 存储库中有以下结构
I would like to have the following structure in my SVN Repository
- MVCConttrib
- NLog
我希望每个团队成员都能够查看外部存储库,因此没有人必须查找底层项目的 SVN url,但我希望存储库中的项目从它们各自的(外部)URL 进行更新.
I want every team member to be able to check out the External repository so nobody has to look up the SVN urls for the underlying projects, but I want the projects in the repository to be updated from their respective (external) URLs.
How can I accomplish this?
I hope my explanation is not too confusing but I don't know how else to explain it.
您在寻找 svn:externals
外部定义是本地目录到 URL(理想情况下是特定修订版)的版本化目录的映射 [...]
svn:externals 属性的便利之处在于,一旦它被设置在一个版本化目录上,所有签出该目录的工作副本的人都可以从 externals 定义中受益.换句话说,一旦有人努力定义嵌套的工作副本结构,其他人就不必费心了——Subversion 会在检出原始工作副本后,自动也检出外部工作副本.
The convenience of the svn:externals property is that once it is set on a versioned directory, everyone who checks out a working copy with that directory also gets the benefit of the externals definition. In other words, once one person has made the effort to define the nested working copy structure, no one else has to bother—Subversion will, after checking out the original working copy, automatically also check out the external working copies.
这篇关于将外部项目添加到 subversion 存储库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!