Authentication information such as database connection strings or passwords should almost never be stored in version control systems.
似乎为 OpenShift 上托管的应用程序指定环境变量的唯一方法是 将它们提交到 Git 存储库.关于这个的讨论在OpenShift 论坛,但没有针对该问题的有用建议解决方法.
It looks like the only method of specifying environment variables for an app hosted on OpenShift is to commit them to the Git repository. There is a discussion about this on the OpenShift forums, but no useful suggested workarounds for the problem.
Is there another approach I can use to add authentication information to my app without having to commit it to the repository?
SSH 进入你的应用程序并导航到你的数据目录
SSH into you application and navigate to your data directory
cd app-root/data
in this directory create a file with your variables (e.g. ".myenv") with content like
export MY_VAR="something"
and then in your repository in ".openshift/action_hooks/pre_start" add this line
source ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}/.myenv
这篇关于如何将私有信息添加到 OpenShift 环境变量?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!