


We started using Mercurial a several weeks ago. Most developers follow this workflow:

  • 致力于一项功能
  • commit -m已使用功能ABC"
  • 拉-u
  • 如果分支
    • 合并
    • 提交-m合并"
    • work on a feature
    • commit -m "Worked on feature ABC"
    • pull -u
    • If branch
      • merge
      • commit -m "Merge"
      • push


      Today, one of our developer suggested that we do:

      • 致力于一项功能
      • 拉-u
      • if分支
        • 合并
        • work on a feature
        • pull -u
        • if branch
          • merge


          That way, we have a lot less "Merge" changesets in the log.


          Some of us think it's just a matter preference. Some of us think one is better than the other. We don't have much experience and don't want to live the downsides of misusing the tool. So if one approach is more advisable then the other, please let me know why.



          I like your original procedure more, but reasonable people can certainly disagree. I consider merging an actual piece of software development work and like having it be a first class citizen in our process.


          In your second/suggested procedure the risk is that the pull does some stuff you really don't want and then you have a very hard time separating it from the work you've already done.


          For people who just can't stand branchy history the usual preferred workflow is:

          • 致力于一项功能
          • 提交
          • 拉--rebase

          在启用 rebase扩展后,下拉菜单中出现--rebase选项的地方 .我不喜欢变基,因为从技术上讲,它是改写历史,与应该如何使用汞相反,但是在那一点上,我处于迅速萎缩的少数群体.

          where the --rebase option appears on pull after you enable the rebase extension. I'm not a fan of rebase because it's technically rewriting history which is antithetical to how mercurial is supposed to work, but I'm in a rapidly shrinking minority on that point.

          最重要的是,如果您真的不想使用分支历史记录,请使用rebase -不要更新为未提交的更改,因为很难撤消.

          Bottom line, if you really don't want a branchy history use rebase -- don't update into uncommitted changes as it's hard to undo.


08-22 22:23