i am using eclipse and maven integration.
maven install将资源放到本地存储库中。本地存储库分为本地存储库和工作空间项目,如eclipse视图Maven Repositories所示。
maven install puts the resources to the local repositories. local repositories is divided into "local repository" and "workspace projects" as shown in eclipse view "Maven Repositories".
The resource is unvailable to be linked by other projects of a different workspace. is there a way having "maven install" to put shnapshots to the "top" local repository available for any project?or do i missunterstand the concept?
工作空间项目是m2e插件提供的一个便利功能如果工件规范(组ID,工件标识和版本)与工作空间中的项目的工件匹配,它将解析当前工作空间中项目的依赖关系。如果没有匹配项,m2e将使用 .m2 / repo
Workspace projects is a just a convenience feature provided by the m2e plugin where it resolves the dependencies to projects in the current workspace if the artifact specification (group id, artifact id and version) matches that of a project in the workspace. If there are no matches, m2e just uses the jar in the .m2/repo
folder as the dependency.
这个功能的好处是,你不需要连续地修改依赖项目,而不需要修改 build
The benefit of this feature is that you don't have to maven build
and install
the dependency projects continuously, your code changes are reflected immediately in the dependent project.
However, this is just a convenience feature and you can always do a maven install in a dependency project and refresh the dependent project to get the change reflected there.
TL; DR只是在依赖项目上执行一般的maven安装,并刷新任何工作区。它应该工作。
TL;DR just do a usual maven install on your dependency project and refresh any workspace. It should work.
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