我正在Visual Studio 2010中使用DevExpress 10.2。我正在打印GridControl的内容(包含一个和两个GridView)。这将以可见的方式显示所有当前可见的列(而不是不可见列)和所有数据。我的问题是打印预览总是显示所有分组的行和主 - 细节行完全展开。我想让它使得如果用户没有扩展组或行,则打印预览将显示没有扩展组或行的网格。另外,如果用户完全展开第一个组和行,那么只有第一个组和行将在打印预览中展开,而没有其他。
.TopMargin = 40
.LeftMargin = 2
.RightMargin = 2
.BottomMargin = 40
.Landscape = True
根据我尝试的内容,目前不是支持站点上可能出现的问题似乎证实了这一点。 / p>
I am currently using DevExpress 10.2 within Visual Studio 2010. I am printing the contents of the GridControl (with both one and two GridViews contained within). This shows all the current visible columns (and not the invisible columns) and all the data in a viewable manner.
My issue is the print preview always shows all the grouped rows and the master-detail rows fully expanded. I want to make it so that if the user has none of the groups or rows expanded then the print preview displays the grid with none of the groups or rows expanded. Also if the user expands the first group and rows fully then only the first group and rows will be expanded in the print preview and none other.
Is there a way to be able to do this? Currently I love the printing component other than this facet.
Currently I am doing this by:
With PrintableComponentLink1.PrintingSystem.PageSettings
.TopMargin = 40
.LeftMargin = 2
.RightMargin = 2
.BottomMargin = 40
.Landscape = True
End With
Along with customizing the report via the CreateReportHeaderArea and the CreateMarginalFooterArea functions.
Based on what I have tried it is not currently possible and this Issue on the DevExpress support site seems to confirm that.
这篇关于有没有办法打印DevExpress GridControl PrintingSystem的当前视图?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!