

假设我有 3 个网址:/:projectId/info,/:projectId/users,/:projectId/users/:userId/profile.他们都有参数projectId.UI 有一个组件可以从一个项目切换到另一个项目.所以我需要:

Let's suppose I've got 3 urls:/:projectId/info,/:projectId/users,/:projectId/users/:userId/profile. All of them have param projectId. UI has a component to switch from one project to another. So I need:

  1. 获取当前网址
  2. 按名称更改参数(例如 projectId)
  3. 导航到新网址

所以我需要像 this.router.replaceParam(currentUrl, {projectId: 'project_id_2'}) 这样的东西,它会将 /project_id_1/users/user_id_1/profile 转换为/project_id_2/users/user_id_1/profile(以及任何其他带有 :projectId 参数的 URL)

So I need something like this.router.replaceParam(currentUrl, {projectId: 'project_id_2'}) which will transform /project_id_1/users/user_id_1/profile into /project_id_2/users/user_id_1/profile (and any other URL with :projectId param)

我认为这是一个简单而常见的问题,但在 1 小时内没有找到解决方案.建议的此处 解决方案不起作用,如上一条评论中所述

I thought it's a simple and common problem but didn't find a solution in 1 hour. Suggested here solution doesn't work as noted in the last comment


要从当前 url 导航到特定链接,您可以执行以下操作,

To navigate to particular link from current url, you can do something like this,

 constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router){}
 ngOnInit() {
     this.route.params.subscribe(params => {
         // PARAMS CHANGED ..

         let id = params['projectid'];
     this.router.navigateByUrl(this.router.url.replace(id, newProjectId));
     // replace parameter of navigateByUrl function to your required url

在 ngOnInit 函数中,我们订阅了 params,因此我们可以观察并执行我们对 url 参数的任何更改的语句.

On ngOnInit function, we have subscribed to params so we can observe and executes our statements on any change in url parameter.


案例:id 可以相同

constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router){}
     userId: string;
     ngOnInit() {
         this.route.params.subscribe(params => {
             this.projectId = params['projectid'];
             this.userId = params['userId'];
         // for /project/:projectId/users/:userId/profile
         this.router.navigate(['/project', this.projectId, '/users',
         this.userId, '/profile']);


05-21 16:24