


I have set up gitolite on my linux server and added my laptop to the gitolite-admin repository. I was forced to format my laptop (bad hard drive) so I need to figure out a way to regain access to my other repositories gitolite controls. It's worth mentioning, I have root access on my linux server, if that helps. I am not very proficient with SSH/public keys, etc, so if someone can help, I would greatly appreciate it.



If you have version 2.0.3 or later installed, you can use the gl-admin-push command to push from a local clone of the admin repository:

请参见 gl-admin-push:绕过gitolite进行gitolite-admin存储库:

  • su给您的Gitolite用户
  • cd /tmp && git clone ~/repositories/gitolite-admin.git
  • 用新密钥替换keydir/中的旧公共密钥,然后提交
  • ~/.gitolite/src/gl-admin-push推动它;这将更新用户的.ssh/authorized_keys以集成您的新密钥
  • su to your Gitolite user
  • cd /tmp && git clone ~/repositories/gitolite-admin.git
  • replace your old public key in keydir/ with your new one, then commit
  • ~/.gitolite/src/gl-admin-push to push it; this will update the user’s .ssh/authorized_keys to integrate your new key


If you are using something earlier than 2.0.3, you can use the gl-dont-panic command to replace a key:

  • su给您的Gitolite用户
  • 将新的公钥复制到/tmp/username.pub

  • su to your Gitolite user
  • copy your new public key to /tmp/username.pub
    username.pub should be the same as a filename that is currently in your keydir/; you can list the contents of the existing keydir/ with

GIT_DIR="$HOME"/repositories/gitolite-admin.git git ls-tree master:keydir

  • 运行cd /tmp && ~/.gitolite/src/gl-dont-panic username.pub以安装替换密钥

  • run cd /tmp && ~/.gitolite/src/gl-dont-panic username.pub to install the replacement key


  • 09-27 09:48