

我只是用Flutter的BLoC架构弄湿了我的脚.在这里,我希望创建一个 Bloc 类,这将帮助我将用户输入转换为流数据的形式.为了完成该任务,假设我首先创建一个名为 email Bloc 类的实例,然后

I'm just getting my feet wet with the BLoC architecture of Flutter. Here, I wish to create a Bloc class, which will help me to convert the user input in the form of stream data. To do that task, let's say that first of all I create an instance of Bloc class with the name email and then,

  1. 使用代码段0&然后调用 email.emailController.sink.add(some_string)
  2. 或者利用代码段1,然后调用 email.streamEmail(some_string)
  3. 或者,使用代码段2的代码,然后调用 email.streamEmail(some_string)



//Snippet 0 : w/o any `method`
class Bloc{
 final emailController = StreamController<String>();
//Snippet 1 : using regular 'method'
class Bloc{
 final emailController = StreamController<String>();
 void streamEmail(String value) => emailController.sink.add(value);
//Snippet 2 : using 'get' based 'method'
class Bloc{
 final emailController = StreamController<String>();
 Function(String) get streamEmail => emailController.sink.add;


I learned that making use of snippet 1 or 2 is a rather better to approach, in terms of code readability.I know that snippet 1& 2 are just 2 different ways of doing the same thing. However, I'm not clear about the differences that snippet 2 brings in, by making use of the getter method.

来自 Dart语言之旅


At the moment, the only thing I understand about getters is that they represent an alternative approach to define methods within a class. So, to be precise my questions are :

  1. 使用getter方法是否会增强或降低应用程序内.性能?
  2. 何时&为什么我应该使用代码段2类型类定义而不是代码段1?



No, using getter/setter instead of methods does not impact performance.


When to use getters/setters is a question about taste and some developers are more likely to use them than others. I guess a general design goal should be that getters/setters acts like normal properties on an object and should therefore not make any additional unknown behavior than getting/setting a property. (e.g. get a property of a objects will end up saving some files to the file system).


In your example I would go with snippet 1 (and maybe with a different name of the method) since your example is not really a good use case of using properties. Snippet 2 seems like a forced clever attempt to make use a getter which ends up being a little weird since the getter ends up returning a Function.


But again, this is a question about taste and I am sure there are some developers which would go with snippet 2.


10-16 08:18