I'm attempting to both add and remove items in a multidimensional array stored in Vuex.
The array is a group of categories, and each category and have a sub-category (infinity, not simply a two dimensional array).
id: 123,
name: 'technology',
parent_id: null,
children: [
id: 456,
name: 'languages',
parent_id: 123,
children: [
name: 'javascript',
parent_id: 456
}, {
name: 'php',
parent_id: 456
}, {
id: 333,
name: 'frameworks',
parent_id 123,
children: [
name: 'quasar',
parent_id: 333
....my question is, how do I best add and remove elements to this array, which is inside of a Vuex Store?
我通常使用Vue.Set()在Vuex Store中操作简单数组以获取反应性.但是,由于我不确定要操纵的嵌套数组有多深-我根本无法弄清楚.
I normally manipulate simple arrays inside the Vuex Store using Vue.Set() to get reactivity. However, because I'm not sure how deep the nested array being manipulated is - I simply can't figure it out.
Here's an example of how I thought I could add a sub-category element using recursion:
export const append = (state, item) => {
if (item.parent_uid !== null) {
var categories = []
state.data.filter(function f (o) {
if (o.uid === item.parent_uid) {
console.log('found it')
return o
if (o.children) {
return (o.children = o.children.filter(f)).length
} else {
首先要了解的是 vuex
或任何其他基于 flux
The first thing to understand is that vuex
, or any other state management library based on flux
architecture, isn't designed to handle nested object graph, let alone arbitrary/infinity nested objects that you mentioned. To make the matter worse, even with shallow state object, vuex
works best when you define the shape of the state (all desired fields) upfront.
IMHO, there are two possible approaches you can take
This is an approach recommended by vue.js team member here.
如果您真的想在标准化后保留有关层次结构的信息,则可以使用 flat 与转换功能结合使用,以通过 name
If you really want to retain information about the hierarchical structure after normalization, you can use flat in conjunction with a transformation function to flatten your nested object by name
to something like this:
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
data: {
'technology': { id: 123, name: 'technology', parent_id: null },
'technology.languages': { id: 456, name: 'languages', parent_id: 123 },
'technology.languages.javascript': { id: 789, name: 'javascript', parent_id: 456 },
'technology.languages.php': { id: 987, name: 'php', parent_id: 456 },
'technology.frameworks': { id: 333, name: 'frameworks', parent_id: 123 },
'technology.frameworks.quasar': { id: 777, name: 'quasar', parent_id: 333 },
然后,您可以像往常一样在 state.data
中的每个项目上使用 Vue.set()
Then you can use Vue.set()
on each item in state.data
as usual.
这是 vuex
This is the second approach mentioned in vuex
's documentation:
Replace that Object with a fresh one
您可以使用另一个库轻松实现此目标:对象路径不可修改.例如,假设您想在 languages
You can easily achieve this with another library: object-path-immutable. For example, suppose you want to add new category under languages
, you can create a mutation like this:
const store = new Vuex.Store({
mutations: {
addCategory(state, { name, id, parent_id }) {
state.data = immutable.push(state.data, '0.children.0.children', { id, name, parent_id });
每次进行修改时,通过将 state.data
重新分配给新对象, vuex
反应性系统将正确地通知您对 state所做的更改.数据
By reassigning state.data
to a new object each time a modification is made, vuex
reactivity system will be properly informed of changes you made to state.data
. This approach is desirable if you don't want to normalize/denormalize your data.