本文介绍了Git grep/搜索特定分支的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am looking for a way to grep a certain branch. Simple?


To show a specific file in a branch, one would use:

git show branch:my_branch bla_sheep.txt


Similar syntax is used to diff, etc.


Is there a way to simply grep a branch:

git grep branch:my_branch <regex>


要查看多个提交,从某些分支提示开始并向后工作: git grep可以查看任何特定的(因此,任何特定的提交都可以,因为任何给定的提交都标识了特定的树),但是要遍历某个分支中包含的每个提交,您将需要执行自己的git rev-list:

To look at multiple commits, starting at some branch tip and working backwards: git grep can look in any particular tree (hence any particular commit since any given commit identifies a particular tree), but to iterate over every commit contained within some branch, you will need to do your own git rev-list:

git rev-list branch | while read rev; do git grep <regexp> $rev; done



for instance (but you may want to fancy this up more so that your grep stops once you've found what you are looking for).


If you want to look once, at the commit that is the tip of branch <branch>, and find (or fail to find) any instances of <regexp>, just do a simple:

git grep <regexp> branch


The loop form is only for the case where you want to start at that tip commit and keep working backwards through previous commits on the branch as well.

这篇关于Git grep/搜索特定分支的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 18:39