

这是问题,仅在Internet Explorer(IE)中发生.我有一个页面,其中包含指向几种不同类型文件的链接.这些文件中的链接执行Javascript函数,该函数会打开一个新窗口并加载特定文件.这很有用,除非我需要在新窗口中打开的文件是PDF,在这种情况下,即使URL在地址字段中,窗口也为空白.使用F5刷新该窗口无济于事.但是,如果我将光标放在地址字段中并按<enter>,则PDF会立即加载.

Here's the problem, which only occurs in Internet Explorer (IE). I have a page that has links to several different types of files. Links from these files execute a Javascript function that opens a new window and loads the specific file. This works great, unless the file I need to open in the new window is a PDF in which case the window is blank, even though the URL is in the address field. Refreshing that window using F5 doesn't help. However, if I put the cursor in the address field and press <enter> the PDF loads right up.

仅在IE中会出现此问题.我已经在IE 7和8中看到它,并且正在使用Adobe Acrobat Reader9.在 Firefox (PC和Mac)中,一切正常.在 Chrome (Mac)中,下载了PDF.在 Safari (苹果机)中,它可以工作.在 Opera (Mac)中,它提示我打开或保存.基本上,除了IE之外,其他所有东西都可以正常工作.

This problem only occurs in IE. I have seen it in IE 7 and 8 and am using Adobe Acrobat Reader 9. In Firefox (PC and Mac) everything works perfectly. In Chrome (Mac), the PDF is downloaded. In Safari (Mac) it works. In Opera (Mac) it prompts me to open or save. Basically, everything probably works fine, except for IE.


I have searched for similar problems and have seen some posts where it was suggested to adjust some of the Internet Options on IE. I have tried this but it doesn't help, and the problem wasn't exactly the same anyway.


Here's the Javascript function I use to open the new window.

function newwin(url,w,h) {
   win = window.open(url,"temp","width="+w+",height="+h+",menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=auto,resizable=yes");


You can see that I pass in the URL as well as the height, h, and width, w, of the window. I've used a function like this for years and as far as I know have never had a problem.


<a href="javascript:newwin('/path/document.pdf',400,300)">document.pdf</a>


(Yes, I know there are other, better ways than using inline JS, and I've even tried some of them because I've run out of things to try, but nothing works.)


So, if anyone has an idea as to what might be causing this problem, I'd love to hear it.



function newwin(url,w,h) {
     var win = window.open("","temp","width="+w+",height="+h+",menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=auto,resizable=yes");
     win.location.href = url;


09-05 12:54