

我在游戏中播放声音时遇到问题.当处理声音播放的线程退出时,它的run方法不会终止/结束/停止.我知道正是这种方法引起了问题,因为当我注释掉整个内容时,不再创建线程. (已通过JVisualVM检查).问题在于退出运行方法后线程不会终止.我已经放置了一条打印命令,以确保它实际上到达run()方法的末尾,并且总是如此.

I have an issue with playing sound in my game. When the Thread that handles the sound playback exits it's run method it doesn't terminate/end/stop. I know it's this method that causes the problem, since when I comment the whole thing away no more Threads get created. (Checked with JVisualVM). The problem is that Threads do not get terminated after exiting the run method. I've placed a print command to ensure that it actually reaches the end of the run() method, and it always does.

但是,当我用JVisualVM检查进程时,播放的每种声音的线程数都会增加1.我还注意到,每播放一个声音,守护进程线程的数量就会增加1.我不确定什么是守护线程以及它们如何工作,但是我已经尝试了多种方法来杀死线程.包括Thread.currentThread .stop() .destroy() .suspend() .interrupt()并通过run()方法返回;

However, when I check the process with JVisualVM, the thread count grows by 1 for each sound played. I also noted that the number of daemon threads is increased by 1 for each sound played. I am not sure what daemon threads are and how they work, but I've tried to kill the Thread in a number of ways. Including Thread.currentThread .stop() .destroy() .suspend() .interrupt() and returning from the run() method by return;


While writing this message I realised I need to close the clip object. This resulted in no extra threads being created and sustained. However, now the sound sometimes disappears and I have no idea why. Right now, I can choose between having sound in parallel and see my cpu get overloaded by an endless number of threads or have the sounds end abruptly whenever a new sound is played.


If anyone knows of a different approach of playing multiple sounds in parallel or knows what's wrong with my code, I would greatly appreciate any help.


public static synchronized void playSound(final String folder, final String name) {
        new Thread(new Runnable() { // the wrapper thread is unnecessary, unless it blocks on the Clip finishing, see comments
            public void run() {
                Clip clip = null;
                AudioInputStream inputStream = null;
                        if(clip == null || inputStream == null)
                                clip = AudioSystem.getClip();
                                inputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(SoundP.class.getResource(folder + "/" + name));
                        if(clip != null && !clip.isActive())
                                inputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(SoundP.class.getResource(folder + "/" + name));
                } catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
                } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) {
                } catch (IOException e) {



08-20 06:42