Neo4j 服务器最初消耗的 RAM 非常少,但在处理了一些请求之后.服务器消耗的RAM增加.即使没有处理任何查询,它也会继续使用 RAM.重新启动服务器时,消耗的 RAM 再次减少.
Neo4j server consumes very less RAM initially, but after processing some requests. The RAM consumed by the server increases. Even though no query is been processed it keeps using the RAM. While on restarting the server the RAM consumed is less again.
这表明 neo4j 服务器将一些数据保存在 RAM 中,即使请求已处理,数据仍保留在 RAM 中.有没有办法以某个阈值清除 RAM 中的数据以避免服务器崩溃?
This states that neo4j server is keeping some data in the RAM, and even though the request is been processed the data still stays in the RAM. Is there anyway to clear that data in the RAM at some threshold to avoid server crash?
我想我也有同样的问题.所以我创建了一个端点来刷新缓存(Neo4j 版本是 1.9.9):
I guess I have the same problem. So I create one endpoint to flush the cache (Neo4j version is 1.9.9):
Collection<Cache> caches = ((GraphDatabaseAPI) neo4jTemplate.getGraphDatabaseService()).
for (Cache cache : caches) {
If neo4j version is over 2.2
((GraphDatabaseAPI)db).getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency( Caches.class ).clear();
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