在我的公司,我们使用Office365我们的电子邮件。除此之外,我们使用的是Windows Azure的Active Directory来保护某些应用程序。
In my company, we are using Office365 for our emails.In addition to this, we are using Windows Azure Active Directory to secure some applications.
现在我一直在问到创建某种在Office 365和Windows Azure中的Active Directory我们的用户之间的联系。问题的关键是将已经部署,并用WAAD但其用户是从Office365的那些一些管理应用程序。
Now I've been asked to create some kind of link between our users in Office 365 and Windows Azure Active Directory.The point would be to have some admin applications deployed and secured with WAAD but for which the users are the ones from Office365.
I've found lots of documentation on the web on how to sync directories but not really anything stating clearly that this is possible.
I'd like to insist on the fact that it is our own application that we'd like to secure like this.
适用于Office 365的基本目录是Azure中的Active Directory(AAD)。这意味着,如果你有一个Office 365帐户,你已经有一个目录 - 或房客 - 在AAD
The underlying directory for Office 365 is Azure Active Directory (AAD). This means that if you have an Office 365 account, you already have a directory -or "tenant"- in AAD.
在你的情况,我想你想要做的是从确保与不同的AAD租户应用程序(在不同的域)动一下,与当你开始使用Office 365的关键,你得到了租户保护应用程序这里是能够从Azure的门户网站可以访问您的Office 365租户。
In your case, I think what you want to do is move from securing your application with a different AAD tenant (under a different domain), to securing your applications with the tenant you got when you started using Office 365. The key here is to be able to get access to your Office 365 tenant from the Azure portal.
这样做的最简单方法是使用你的Office 365(管理员)帐户登录到Azure上。如果你没有一个Azure订阅,你会得到一个没有预订信息,您可以点击注册。注册免费试用(你有信用卡的信息来冲,等等,但你实际上并不需要支付试用后结束),和头部的活动目录部分。您应该看到您在Office 365的目录已经存在,所有的用户。
The easiest way of doing this is to sign in to Azure using you Office 365 (admin) account. If you don't have an Azure subscription, you'll get a "no subscriptions" message, and you can click on "sign up". Sign up for a free trial (you'll have to punch in credit card info., etc., but you don't actually have to pay after the trial is over), and head over to the 'Active Directory' section. You should see you Office 365 directory already there, with all your users.
现在你可以去添加和配置的应用程序到Office 365租户,使您可以使用该租客,以确保您的应用程序。
Now you can go about adding and configuring apps to the Office 365 tenant so that you can use that tenant to secure your apps.
另外:既然你已经开始做的事情与其他Azure订阅(presumably您的Microsoft帐户,MSA --formerly LiveID--),它有时是有用的下一个帐户来管理一切。一种选择,你必须是增加你的MSA为您的Office 365租户的管理员(注意,这只会工作的东西,你通过Azure的门户网站做的)。要做到这一点,登录到Azure的门户网站,您的Office 365的管理员帐户,去你的目录,然后单击添加用户。你会看到添加的Microsoft帐户的选项:这样做的。现在,注销并重新登录您的MSA,你应该看到在活动目录的新目录,可以验证这是您的Office 365目录。
Extra: Since you've already started doing things with another Azure subscription (presumably your Microsoft Account, MSA --formerly LiveID--), it's sometimes useful to manage everything under one account. One option you have is adding your MSA as an admin of your Office 365 tenant (note that this will only work for things you do via the Azure portal). To do this, sign in to the Azure portal with your Office 365 admin account, go to your directory, and click Add user. You'll see the option of adding a Microsoft Account: do so. Now sign out and sign back in with your MSA, you should see a new directory under 'Active Directory', and can verify that this is your Office 365 directory.
额外额外:也有可能增加您的Office 365用户帐户作为共同管理员现有的MSA订阅(反之亦然)的
Extra extra: It's also possible to add your Office 365 user account as co-administrator of your existing MSA subscription (and vice versa).
这篇关于Windows Azure中的Active Directory和Office 365整合的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!