我一直在寻找应用函数的最佳方式,该函数采用多个单独的 Pandas DataFrame 列并在同一个所述 DataFrame 中输出多个新列.假设我有以下内容:
I have been scouring SO for the best way of applying a function that takes multiple separate Pandas DataFrame columns and outputs multiple new columns in the same said DataFrame. Let's say I have the following:
def apply_func_to_df(df):
df[['new_A', 'new_B']] = df.apply(lambda x: transform_func(x['A'], x['B'], x['C']), axis=1)
def transform_func(value_A, value_B, value_C):
# do some processing and transformation and stuff
return new_value_A, new_value_B
我试图将如上所示的这个函数应用到整个 DataFrame df
以输出 2 个新列.然而,这可以推广到一个用例/函数,它接受 n
个数据帧列并将 m
I am trying to apply this function as shown above to the whole DataFrame df
in order to output 2 NEW columns. However, this can generalize to a usecase/function that takes in n
DataFrame columns and outputs m
new columns to the same DataFrame.
The following are things I have been looking at (with varying degrees of success):
- 为函数调用创建一个 Pandas 系列,然后附加到现有的 DataFrame,
- 压缩输出列(但在我当前的实现中发生了一些问题)
- 重写基本函数
> 如下,然后对 df 进行应用:
- Create a Pandas Series for the function call, then append to the existing DataFrame,
- Zip the output columns (but there are some issues that happen in my current implementation)
- Re-write the basic function
to explicitly expect rows (i.e. fields)A
as follows, then do an apply to the df:
def transform_func_mod(df_row):
# do something with df_row['A'], df_row['B'], df_row['C]
return new_value_A, new_value_B
我想要一种非常通用的 Pythonic 方式来完成这项任务,同时考虑到性能(内存和时间方面).我将不胜感激,因为我对 Pandas 不熟悉,所以我一直在为此苦苦挣扎.
I would like a very general and Pythonic way to accomplish this task, while taking performance into account (both memory- and time-wise). I would appreciate any input on this, as I have been struggling with this due to my unfamiliarity with Pandas.
按照以下方式编写您的 transform_func:
Write your transform_func the following way:
- 它应该有一个参数 - 当前行,
- 这个函数可以从当前行读取单个列并充分利用它们,
- 返回的对象应该是一个系列,其中:
- 值 - 无论你想返回什么,
- index - 目标列名.
- it should have one parameter - the current row,
- this function can read individual columns from the current rowand make any use of them,
- the returned object should be a Series with:
- values - whatever you want to return,
- index - target column names.
示例:假设所有 3 列都是 string 类型,连接 A 和 B 列,向 C:
Example: Assuming that all 3 columns are of string type, concatenate A and B columns, add "some string" to C:
def transform_func(row): a = row.A; b = row.B; c = row.C; return pd.Series([ a + b, c + '_xx'], index=['new_A', 'new_B'])
To get only the new values, apply this function to each row:
df.apply(transform_func, axis=1)
请注意,生成的 DataFrame 保留了原始行的键(稍后我们将使用此功能).
Note that the resulting DataFrame retains keys of the original rows(we will make use of this feature in a moment).
或者,如果您想将这些新列添加到您的 DataFrame,请加入您的 df与上述应用程序的结果,将连接结果保存在原始df:
Or if you want to add these new columns to your DataFrame, join your dfwith the result of the above application, saving the join result underthe original df:
df = df.join(df.apply(transform_func, axis=1))
按照截至 03:36:34Z 的评论进行编辑
使用 zip 可能是最慢的选择.基于行的函数应该更快,它是一种更直观的构造.可能最快的方法是分别为每一列编写 2 个向量化表达式.在这种情况下,类似于:
Edit following the comment as of 03:36:34Z
Using zip is probably the slowest option.Row-based function should be quicker and it is a more intuitive construction.Probably the quickest way is to write 2 vectorized expressions, for each column separately. In this case something like:
df['new_A'] = df.A + df.B df['new_B'] = df.C + '_xx'
But generally the problem is whether a row-based functioncan be expressed as vectorized expressions (as I did above).In the "negative" case you can apply a row-based function.
要比较每个解决方案的速度,请使用 %timeit.
To compare how quick is each solution, use %timeit.
这篇关于Pandas DataFrame 将函数应用于多列并输出多列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!