本文介绍了在数组中查找行/列索引的 Excel 公式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个带有行和列索引的 excel 表数组.在数组内部,有一些 empyu 单元格和一些具有唯一值的单元格.

I have an excel table array, with row and columns indexes.Inside the array, there are some empyu cells and some cells with unique values.


Now i want to get a simplified table, when in first column i have the list of the unique values from the table array and in second column, to get the exact cells of this value as a function of concatenation between row and column index.First this is the table example:

    a   b   c   d
31              RESET_N
30  A[9]        A[11]
29      A[6]        A[7]
28  A[3]        A[4]


A[9] a30
A[3] a28



=B2&A2 应该就足够了,但是您必须先反向旋转",并且可能在途中删除空白.在 Excel 2007 中:

=B2&A2 should be sufficient, but you would have to 'reverse pivot' first and maybe delete blanks en route. In Excel 2007:


Add label in A1.
+D, P.

深入研究 7(Grand Total 的交集).
对于 Value 过滤器仅用于 (Blanks) 并删除选定的行.取下过滤器并在D2中添加公式.如果需要,可以排序和删除多余的内容.

Drill down on 7 (the intersect of the Grand Totals).
For Value filter for (Blanks) only and delete selected rows.Take off filter and add formula in D2.Sort and delete surplus, if desired.

这篇关于在数组中查找行/列索引的 Excel 公式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 23:05