What exactly does the term synchronization primitive mean? For example: mutex, critical section, waitable timer, event, monitor, conditional variable, semaphore. Are all of them synchronization primitives? Are there any other synchronization primitives I have not listed? And are these a valid questions?
Synchronization primitives are simple software mechanisms provided by a platform (e.g. operating system) to its users for the purposes of supporting thread or process synchronization. They're usually built using lower level mechanisms (e.g. atomic operations, memory barriers, spinlocks, context switches etc).
互斥量,事件,条件变量和信号量都是同步原语.共享锁和排他锁也是如此. Monitor通常被认为是高级同步工具.这个对象保证使用其他同步原语(通常带有条件变量的排他锁来支持等待和发信号)对其方法进行互斥.在某些情况下,将监视器用作构建块时,它也被视为同步原语.
Mutex, event, conditional variables and semaphores are all synchronization primitives. So are shared and exclusive locks. Monitor is generally considered a high-level synchronization tool. It's an object which guarantees mutual exclusion for its methods using other synchronization primitives (usually exclusive locks with condition variables to support waiting and signaling). In some contexts when monitor is used as a building block it is also considered a synchronization primitive.
Critical section is not a synchronization primitive. It's a part of an execution path that must be protected from concurrent execution in order to maintain some invariants. You need to use some synchronization primitives to protect critical section.