

我在建立一个应用程序,我想有能力为我申请读什么用户输入到文本框的过程中,他们正在进入它,并根据这句话至今$ P $有两件事情psent用户。

I'm in the process of building an application and i would like to include the ability for my application to read what a user has entered into a text box as they are entering it, and based on the sentence so far present the user with two things.


1) A list of possible phrases they are typing to allow easy auto complete, I'm guessing i would use a preset list of phrases that i could search through to get these suggestions.


2)A list of the most likely word that will come next in the sentence based on the sentence structure or simply based on the last word typed.


My question is, is there anything else out there like this? And what is the best way to search through possibly thousands of strings to find a match as quickly and effectively as possible? Should the strings be stored in a text file on the sd card or directly in code or in some sort of database or xml file or even cvs file? Any ideas would be great


您可以检查出谷歌抄写员 - 它确实pretty的很多东西,你在说什么。链接曾经是 http://scribe.googlelabs.com 但似乎现在消失了:(。此外,许多键盘一样swiftkey甚至标准的Andr​​oid键盘配备了基本的下一个字prediction。

You could check out Google Scribe - it does pretty much what you're talking about. The link used to be http://scribe.googlelabs.com but it seems to be gone now :(.Also, many keyboards like swiftkey and even the standard Android keyboard feature basic "next word" prediction.

有关当前单词prediction,您筛选通过很可能是最好的加权字典。那么下一个单词prediction也同样可以做到基于语法(这将需要一些语义结构在你的字典,即哪些词是主体,这是动词有哪些不同形式的动词可以采取如成语,莫代尔等。 )

For current word prediction, a weighted dictionary which you filter through would probably be best. Then next word prediction could be done similarly based on syntax (this would require some semantic structure in your dictionary i.e. which words are subjects, which are verbs what are the different forms a verb can take such as phrasal, modal, etc.)


Some links for your research:

  • Project: Possibility (They use xml for example afaik)
  • Let me type (Code available under GPL)

任何数据库应该工作,可让您连接和快速搜索通过这样的标记数据,难度实际上是建立了 - !非常雄心勃勃的项目,我祝你好运。

Any database should work that allows you to attach and quickly search through such tagged data, the difficulty is actually building it - very ambitious project and I wish you luck!


07-22 17:31