

我有一个没有结束的Java应用程序。主要方法完成,但线程保持活动状态,应用程序不会结束。事情是,似乎没有任何监视器锁/等待,所以我看不到为什么它不结束。根据Eclipse,我留下了两个非守护进程线程。一个被标记为[DestroyJavaVM](看起来很有希望!),另一个被标记为 a href =http://guava-libraries.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javadoc/com/google/common/util/concurrent/ThreadFactoryBuilder.html =nofollow noreferrer> ThreadFactoryBuilder 类来自将使这更容易。)
  • 致电 在您的 在 main 方法的末尾。)

  • I have a Java application which doesn't end. The main method finishes, but threads remain active and the application doesn't end. The thing is, there don't appear to be any monitor locks / waits, so I can't see why it's not ending. According to Eclipse, I am left with two non-Daemon threads. One is labelled [DestroyJavaVM] (looks hopeful!) and the other seems to be blocked in Unsafe.park(boolean, long). How / where should I start investigating this?

    The abridged stacktrace of the second thread is:

       Unsafe.park(boolean, long)
    at LockSupport.park(Object)
    at AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await()
    at LinkedBlockingQueue<E>.take()
    at ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask()
    at ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run()
    at Thread.run() 

    You need to do one of two things to terminate your ExecutorService thread:

    1. Specify a ThreadFactory that creates daemon threads (the ThreadFactoryBuilder class from Guava will make this easier.)
    2. Call shutdown() on your ExecutorService as part of the application shutdown (e.g. at the end of your main method.)


    09-23 05:47