我正在使用CodeIgniter的多语言网站。有一种形式向控制器发布数据,但是当我开始使用土耳其字符如öçüÜĞ时, $ _ POST
I'm working on a multilingual site with CodeIgniter. There is a form that posts data to controller, but $_POST is empty when I start to use Turkish characters like öçüÜĞ etc.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<form action="translations/save" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <textarea rows="6" cols="60" id="editor_tr" name="editor_tr">Türkçe</textarea> </form>
$ _ POST 和 $ this-> input-> post('editor_tr')返回空,但我可以看到原始的帖子 file_get_contents(php:// input) 。
$_POST and $this->input->post('editor_tr') returns empty, but I can see the raw post with file_get_contents("php://input").
This one works OK in a normal PHP test, but doesn't work with CodeIgniter. Perhaps my .htaccess file is causing the issue, but dunno.
strong> UPDATE :
UPDATE:Here is the output for var_dump as requested.
var_dump($ _ POST) - 没有土耳其字符
var_dump($_POST) - Without Turkish chars
array(3) { ["id"]=> string(12) "news8titleID" ["editor_tr"]=> string(13) "turkish value" ["editor_en"]=> string(13) "english value" }
var_dump / code> - 使用土耳其语字符(输入为Türkçekarakter ,但它不会显示在$ _POST中)
var_dump($_POST) - With Turkish chars (The input was: Türkçe karakter, but it doesn't show up in the $_POST)
array(3) { ["id"]=> string(12) "news8titleID" ["editor_tr"]=> string(0) "" ["editor_en"]=> string(13) "english value" }
当调试时,我发现 system.core.Input 类清除 _clean_input_data 函数上的输入数据。
UPDATE 2:When debugging, I have found out that system.core.Input class cleans the input data on _clean_input_data function.
// Clean UTF-8 if supported if (UTF8_ENABLED === TRUE) { $str = $this->uni->clean_string($str); }
因此,在 $ _ POST 已经到达我的控制器, editor_tr 值已经由 system.core.Utf8 函数:
So, before the $_POST has reached to my controller, the editor_tr value is already cleaned by system.core.Utf8 class in this function:
function clean_string($str) { if ($this->_is_ascii($str) === FALSE) { $str = @iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $str); } return $str; }
Since the comments are piling up and will probably get overlooked, I am going to post some more suggestions.
读者请记住这是处理$ _POST数据值,而不是显示数据
Readers please keep in mind this is dealing with $_POST data values and not display of data on a web page.
This user seems to have a similar problem:
There is a report here on Bitbucket of similar:
Maybe adding this to your index.php will help (probably not):
ini_set('default_charset','UTF -8');
仔细检查并确保您没有在字段上运行任何验证或准备规则。 url_title()会删除这些字符。
Double check and make sure you aren't running any validation or prepping rules on the field. Things like url_title() will strip those characters.
这篇关于$ _POST空的utf-8字符的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!