

注意:我之前曾经看过这个问题( a b , c ),但这些都不是在C#中也无济于事.

Note: I've seen this question asked sometimes before (a, b, c), but neither of these was in C#, nor helpful.

假设我正在使用?:这样的三元运算符(在 false 情况下不执行任何操作):

Assume I'm using the ? : ternary operator like this (to do nothing when false is the case):

r==5? r=0 : <nothing> ;


I'm getting an error. Putting something there will obviously solve the problem.How can I still keep the other side empty without making some random empty function?


您不能.条件?:运算符的全部要点是它对 expression 求值.您甚至不能只使用:

You can't. The whole point of the conditional ?: operator is that it evaluates an expression. You can't even just use:

Foo() ? Bar() : Baz();


... because that isn't a statement. You have to do something with the result... just like when you access a property, for example.

如果只想在满足特定条件时才执行一段代码,则?:运算符不是您想要的-您需要 if 语句:

If you want to only execute a piece of code when a specific condition is met, the ?: operator isn't what you want - you want an if statement:

if (foo)


It's as simple as that. Don't try to twist the conditional operator into something it's not meant to be.


09-05 02:40