


Is it possible to use a non-type constant template parameter in a preprocessor directive? Here's what I have in mind:

template <int DING>
struct Foo
    enum { DOO = DING };

template <typename T>
struct Blah
    void DoIt()
        #if (T::DOO & 0x010)

        // some code here


当我尝试使用 Blah< Foo< 0xFFFF> ,VC ++ 2010抱怨一些关于不匹配的括号的行,我们试图使用 #if 。我猜测预处理器真的不知道任何关于模板和这种事情只是不在其域中。说啥?

When I try this with something like Blah<Foo<0xFFFF>>, VC++ 2010 complains something about unmatched parentheses in the line where we are trying to use #if. I am guessing the preprocessor doesn't really know anything about templates and this sort of thing just isn't in its domain. What say?


不,这是不可能的。预处理器是非常愚蠢的,它不知道你的程序的结构。如果 T :: Doo 没有在预处理器中定义(并且不能是,因为 :: ),它不能评估那个表达式并且会失败。

No, this is not possible. The preprocessor is pretty dumb, and it has no knowledge of the structure of your program. If T::Doo is not defined in the preprocessor (and it can't be, because of the ::), it cannot evaluate that expression and will fail.


However, you can rely on the compiler to do the smart thing for you:

        if (T::Doo & 0x010) {
            // some code here


Constant expressions and dead branches are optimized away even at the lower optimization settings, so you can safely do this without any runtime overhead.


08-24 18:13