你不能使用FileOpen对话框吗? Hey - I know a bit about vb, written a few progs, upgraded to .net 2003 butcan''t figure it out. Where has everything gone? Am I missing somethingreally obvious?I''m trying to create a song-lyrics editing tool, pretty simple - a couple oftextboxes and a button or 2 to save/load from text files, but I wantsomething along the lines of a drivelistbox/dirlistbox/filelistbox combodown the side to easily open saved files.Also - how the hell would I do this in .net?sub command1_clickform2.visible = trueend sub??? seems im-bloodey-possible...Any help much appreciated 解决方案Can''t you use the FileOpen Dialog? Can''t you use the FileOpen Dialog? 这篇关于救命!试图从VB6迁移到dotnet 2003 ....沮丧...的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!