

我在让Laravel将自定义属性转换为 Carbon 日期时遇到问题.这是一个示例模型:

I'm having problems getting Laravel to cast a custom attribute as a Carbon date. Here's an example model:

class Organisation extends Model
    protected $dates = [

    public function getMyDateAttribute() 
        return "2018-01-01 00:00:00";

我希望将 my_date 强制转换为 Carbon 日期,但是如果我执行 dd($ organisation-> my_date),只是以字符串形式返回日期.

I'd expect my_date to be cast to a Carbon date however if I do dd($organisation->my_date) it just returns the date as a string.

我见过有人建议只从custom属性返回一个 Carbon 实例,这部分起作用, my_date 属性可以用作 Carbon实例,但是如果您随后将模型返回为Json,则会得到以下结果:

I've seen people suggest to just return a Carbon instance from the custom attribute, and this partially works, the my_date attribute is availabe as a Carbon instance within the application, however if you then return the model as Json you end up with:

    "name": "Big Business",
    "my_date": {
        "date": "2018-01-01 00:00:00.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "Europe/London"


    "name": "Big Business",
    "my_date": "2018-01-01 00:00:00"


Has anyone else come across this and if so have you found a solution?

在进一步调查中,我已经找到了问题所在(但我还没有解决方案).当您返回Eloquent模型时,运行 toJson 方法的 __ toString 魔术方法,并在跟踪链时会序列化 $ dates 中的所有Carbon日期.代码>变量.它也完全跳过了突变属性的序列化,这就是我所看到的.

Upon further investigation I've tracked down the problem (but I don't have a solution yet). When you return an Eloquent model the __toString magic method which runs the toJson method and as you trace down the chain it serializes any Carbon dates in the $dates variable. It also completely skips over this serialization for mutated attributes, which is what I'm seeing.

我需要找到一种方法来序列化被调用 __ toString 时返回 Carbon 日期的突变属性.

I need to find a way to seralize mutated attributes that return a Carbon date when __toString is called.



use Carbon\Carbon;
class Organisation extends Model

    public function getMyDateAttribute($value) 
        //you can manipulate the date here:
        $date = Carbon::parse($value,config('timezone'));
        return $date;


09-22 17:18