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我在SQL Server 2008 R2中有一个大型的FOR XML EXPLICIT
I have a large FOR XML EXPLICIT
query in SQL Server 2008 R2 that creates an xml file, but it is failing to validate against my XSD schema because some of the mid-level elements appear in the wrong order. Here is an example XML file to show what I mean:
XML EXPLICIT命令的工作方式意味着包含某些属性的每个组都是按顺序排列的(在这种情况下是最底层),但是我不知道如何控制属性(在这种情况下)正下方的顺序)事物"级别.没有SQL到ORDER BY的属性数据时,如何指定事物"的子元素按名称的字母顺序显示?
The way that the XML EXPLICIT command works means that each group containing some attributes are in order (the bottom level in this case), but I do not know how to control the order of the attributes directly below the (in this case) "Thing" Level. How can I specify that the child elements of "Thing" should appear in alphabetical order by name when there is no attribute data for SQL to ORDER BY?
As I mentioned, this is a big bit of XML, with many different elements, which do not always all appear, so if there were some way to order all of the child elements at a certain level, without affecting the ordering of the grandchild elements without having to hard-code each element name, that would be really great.
我到处搜索都无济于事.我既查看了XML输出的事后xquery修改(在我看来这是最实用的解决方案,因为要排序的某些元素的minOccurs = 0),或者作为FOR XML EXPLICIT命令设计的一部分(这似乎是最有效的方法,它可以防止而不是消除错误),但是据我所知,似乎没有任何作用.
I have searched all over the place to no avail for a method. I have looked at both an ex post facto xquery modify on my XML output (which seems to me the most practical solution as some of the elements to be sorted have minOccurs = 0), or as part of the design of the FOR XML EXPLICIT command (which seems the most efficient as that way prevents rather than undoes the error) but, of what I have understood, nothing seems to work.
I could, of course, remove the constraints from the schema file, but would much rather avoid this if at all possible as giving in to inexactitude seems the wrong direction to step.
With the above file, this is the outcome I would consider ideal:
As you can see, the three elements below "Thing" are now sorted alphabetically (Letters,Numbers,Racecars) but all elements within each of these are unchanged in order.
Please let me know if you would like me to write out a SELECT ... FOR XML EXPLICIT
to generate the example XML above; I will gladly do so - I just expected that the answer would be in the form of an xquery directly on the XML above, so thought it unlikely to be needed!
内的 内进行排序(甚至可能是错误的).
You have to reconstruct the <Things/>
elements, ordering by the <Thing/>
's name. This snippet orders by the first child's name, as we need a single value to sort after. Regarding the input given, it does not seem necessary to order inside the <Thing/>
(and might even be wrong).
element Things {
for $thing in /Things/Thing
let $name := local-name(($thing/*)[1])
order by $name
return $thing