本文介绍了Firebase 功能 - 在上传到存储时调整大小并覆盖现有图像的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我遵循了谷歌官方示例 用于创建 Cloud Storage 触发的 Firebase 函数,该函数将从上传的图像创建调整大小的缩略图并将它们也上传到 Storage.这里是简化的:

So I have followed the Google's official sample for creating a Cloud Storage triggered Firebase Function that will create resized thumbnails from uploaded images and upload them to the Storage as well. Here it is simplified:

exports.generateThumbnail = functions.storage.object().onChange(event => {

    // get the uploaded file data (bucket, name, type...)

    // return if the file is not an image or name begins with "thumb_"

    // download the uploaded image in a temporary local file,
    // resize it using ImageMagick
    // upload it to storage with the name "thumb_<filename>"



However, when the new thumbnail uploads, the function gets triggered again and so forth in a loop. They have avoided that by returning if the uploaded file has a "thumb_" prefix.


You then end up with two images (the original and the thumbnail) and I want to rewrite the existing image with the thumbnail so I only have one image with the original path.


I don't know how to go about this because I don't know how to evade the reupload loop without a name change. I can delete the original image after uploading the thumbnail but the link pointing to the original image is already returned and saved in the Realtime Database (these images are profile pictures for users).


查看 @google-cloud/storage npm 模块中的 bucket.js 文档后,我终于设法用缩略图覆盖了原始文件/路径,并避免了循环,

After looking at the bucket.js documentation in the @google-cloud/storage npm module, I have finally managed to overwrite the original file/path with the thumbnail image and also avoid the loop,


It can be done by attaching custom metadata when uploading the thumbnail, and testing for that metadata when the function triggers the next time.


I will just post the changes I made, the rest is the same as in the linked sample.


const filePath = event.data.name
const metadata = event.data.metadata

if (metadata.isThumb) {
    console.log('Exiting: Already a thumbnail')

这是 spawn 承诺返回的部分:

And here's the part when the spawn promise returns:

    return spawn(/* ... */)
}).then(_ => {
    console.log('Thumbnail created locally.')
    metadata.isThumb = true  // We add custom metadata
    const options = {
        destination: filePath,  // Destination is the same as original
        metadata: { metadata: metadata }
    // We overwrite the (bigger) original image but keep the path
    return bucket.upload(/* localThumb */, options)

这篇关于Firebase 功能 - 在上传到存储时调整大小并覆盖现有图像的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 10:59