本文介绍了MVC 5 当前声明自动化和更新声明的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have 2 questions regarding the claims:

1) 在 .Net 4.5 和 MVC 5 中,微软如何实现授权,当您在控制器 AuthorizeAttirubte 上设置时,它是否检查数据库以获取用户角色?或者它使用声明?

1) In .Net 4.5 and MVC 5 how does the microsoft implements the autorization, when you set on controller AuthorizeAttirubte, does it check the database to get the user role? Or it uses the claims?

我在某处读到微软每次都使用数据库来验证角色,他们建议编写一个新的 AuthorizeAttribute 来实现声明身份验证.

I've read somewhere that microsoft uses database each time to verify the role, and they advised to write a new AuthorizeAttribute to implement claims authentication.


This is the article i'm talking about: http://kevin-junghans.blogspot.be/2013/10/improving-performance-of.html


Or is it outdated and now microsoft uses the roles in claims?

2) 关于索赔更新的第二个问题:

2) Second question regarding the update of claims:


Imagine when user logs in, I set his display name as a claim. The user has ability to change his display name, so he changes it, but he still sees his old display name, untill he reasigns in the webiste.


Would it be correct to somehow update the claim ....? And how to do it?


  1. authorize 属性使用了 User.Identity 之外的东西,比如 IsAuthenticated/IsUserInRole,它间接地查看声明.数据库访问基于登录 cookie 的刷新时间,而不是授权检查,因此是正交的.
  2. 声明在生成登录 cookie 时更新(数据库命中).要强制更新声明,您只需退出强制更新的用户即可.

这篇关于MVC 5 当前声明自动化和更新声明的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 07:37