I would like your advice as to why the code might be becoming unresponsive and how to fix it.
我正在使用 Accord.NET 来比较图像.我项目的第一阶段是比较两个图像,一个观察图像和一个模型图像,并确定它们的相似程度;第二,将观察到的图像与我的整个数据库进行比较,以确定观察到的图像最有可能基于模型的分类方式.现在我专注于第一个.我最初尝试使用 ExhaustiveTemplateMatching.ProcessImage() 但它不符合我的需要.现在,我正在使用 SURF.这是我的代码:
I am using Accord.NET to compare images. The first stage of my project is to compare two images, an observed image and a model image, and determine how similar they are; the second, is to compare an observed image against my whole database to determine what the observed image most likely is based on how the models have been categorized. Right now I am focusing on the first. I initially tried using ExhaustiveTemplateMatching.ProcessImage() but it didn't fit my need. Now, I am using SURF. Here is my code as is:
public class ProcessImage
public static void Similarity(System.IO.Stream model, System.IO.Stream observed,
out float similPercent)
Bitmap bitModel = new Bitmap(model);
Bitmap bitObserved = new Bitmap(observed);
// For method Difference, see http://www.aforgenet.com/framework/docs/html/673023f7-799a-2ef6-7933-31ef09974dde.htm
// Inspiration for this process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHT46f2244E
// Greyscale class http://www.aforgenet.com/framework/docs/html/d7196dc6-8176-4344-a505-e7ade35c1741.htm
// Convert model and observed to greyscale
Grayscale filter = new Grayscale(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
// apply the filter to the model
Bitmap greyModel = filter.Apply(bitModel);
// Apply the filter to the observed image
Bitmap greyObserved = filter.Apply(bitObserved);
int modelPoints = 0, matchingPoints = 0;
* This doesn't work. Images can have different sizes
// For an example, https://thecsharper.com/?p=94
// Match
var tm = new ExhaustiveTemplateMatching(similarityThreshold);
// Process the images
var results = tm.ProcessImage(greyModel, greyObserved);
using (SpeededUpRobustFeaturesDetector detector = new SpeededUpRobustFeaturesDetector())
List<SpeededUpRobustFeaturePoint> surfModel = detector.ProcessImage(greyModel);
modelPoints = surfModel.Count();
List<SpeededUpRobustFeaturePoint> surfObserved = detector.ProcessImage(greyObserved);
KNearestNeighborMatching matcher = new KNearestNeighborMatching(5);
var results = matcher.Match(surfModel, surfObserved);
matchingPoints = results.Length;
// Determine if they represent the same points
// Obtain the pairs of associated points, we determine the homography matching all these pairs
// Compare the results, 0 indicates no match so return false
if (matchingPoints <= 0)
similPercent = 0.0f;
similPercent = (matchingPoints * 100) / modelPoints;
So far I get to obtain the list of points but then when matching the code seems to become unresponsive.
在用户发布位图后,我从 ASP.NET 网页调用上述代码.如果有帮助,这里是代码:
I am calling the above code from an ASP.NET web page after the user posts a bitmap. Here is the code if it may help:
public ActionResult Compare(int id)
ViewData["SampleID"] = id;
return View();
public ActionResult Compare(int id, HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
Sample model = _db.Sample_Read(id);
System.IO.Stream modelStream = null;
float result = 0;
_db.Sample_Stream(model.FileId, out modelStream);
ImgProc.ProcessImage.Similarity(modelStream, uploadFile.InputStream,
out result);
ViewData["SampleID"] = id;
ViewData["match"] = result;
return View();
The page itself is rather simple, a hidden field, an file type input and a submit.
Problem was my PC. After some time processing the calculation finishes.
这篇关于Accord.NET 比较两个图像以确定相似度的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!