

我正在开发一个应用程序,其中我必须根据从客户端传递的客户 ID 连接到不同的数据库.所有数据库的架构都是相同的.它是一种多租户应用程序.由于我不知道会有多少客户,我无法使用xml配置来静态创建数据源,因此我必须手动创建数据源.

I am working on an application wherein I have to connect to different database depending upon an customer id that is passed from the client side. The schema for all the databases is same. It is a kind of multi-tenant application. Since I don't know how many customers will be there, I cannot use xml configuration to statically create the datasources, hence I have to create datasources manually.

我们使用 Spring JdbcTemplate 连接到数据库,连接参数来自另一个保存应用程序配置的数据库.我能够正确连接到数据库,但方法调用没有在事务中发生.以下是仅对一个数据库进行数据库连接的代码片段,我打算将其扩展到多个数据库:

We are using Spring JdbcTemplate for connecting to the databases and the connection parameter comes from another database which holds the configuration for the application. I am able to connect to the databases properly, but the method calls are not happening in a transaction.Following is the code snippet which does the database connectivity for only one database and I was going to extend it for multiple databases:

BasicDataSource datasource = new BasicDataSource();
// set database connection params
// create jdbcTemplate,
jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(datasource);
// create transaction managers
PlatformTransactionManager txManager = new DataSourceTransactionManager(datasource);

我的想法是手动创建事务管理器,并以某种方式将其绑定到spring容器中,以便所有带有@Transactional注解的方法/类都可以使用此事务管理器.我无法弄清楚如何绑定 txManager,以便所有带有 @Transactional 的方法/类都将使用此事务管理器.我不确定这是否是正确的方法,我是否应该为每个数据源创建一个事务管理器,因为我不希望事务跨越多个数据库,但我希望每个服务方法调用都应该在一个事务中.注意:我所有的服务类都有@Component 和@Transactional 注解.

My idea is to create the transaction manager manually and somehow bind it in the spring container so that all the methods/classes with @Transactional annotation can use this transaction manager.I am not able to figure how do I bind the txManager, so that all the methods/classes with @Transactional will use this transaction manager. I am not sure whether this is the right way and should I be creating a transaction manager for every datasource, since, I don't want the transaction to span multiple databases, but I want that every service method call should be in a transaction.Note: All my service classes have @Component and @Transactional annotation.


Am I solving the problem in the correct way?


可以使用 spring 的 AbstractRoutingDatasource.

You can use the spring's AbstractRoutingDatasource.

请查看以下链接.解释了 AbstractRoutingDatasource.这里的数据库是根据所选语言动态更改的.

Please check the below link. The AbstractRoutingDatasource is explained.Here database is changed dynamically based on language selected.

Spring AbstractRoutingDatasource


08-04 06:54