我已经使用ASP.NET Core 2几周了。到目前为止,一切都非常好。我遇到了一个并非特定于.NET核心的问题,但我想确保任何帮助都能理解我目前的情况。
I have been working with ASP.NET Core 2 for a few weeks. So far everything is really great. I've run into an issue that is not specific to the .NET core, but i wanted to ensure that any help understands my current situation.
我对我的原型有一个想法ASP.NET Core 2站点。我需要一些非常具体的Google搜索信息,这些信息仅限于我的网站...想象一下"收集信息",而不是给某人一个谷歌搜索用户界面...这改变了
I had an idea for one of my prototype ASP.NET Core 2 sites. I needed some very specific Google Search information that is exclusive to my site... Think of it like "gathering information", not giving someone a google search UI... This is changing information, so I don't really want to store it, and it is passive information (nice to have).
I installed JSON.NET, built my WebRequest and it looks like this;
public void GetGoogleData()
var url = String.Format("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/{0}?query={1}&type={2}&key={3}", apiFormat, apiQuery, apiType, apiKey);
HttpWebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;
webRequest.Timeout = 20000;
webRequest.Method = "GET";
webRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GoogleDataCompleted), webRequest);
public void GoogleDataCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
var request = (HttpWebRequest)result.AsyncState;
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result);
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
var r = new StreamReader(stream);
var resp = r.ReadToEnd();
SearchResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SearchResult>(resp);
This works well... it goes out, gets the data I require and i need to do something with this...
首先,我不想要为每个页面请求点击Google API ...每天一次就足够了。
First, I do not want to hit the Google API for every page request... Once daily is sufficient.
Second, How do I store and retrieve this information at the controller level so it is available data to my controller methods?
第三,我遇到了异步编码问题......最后一行代码是设置一个Public searchresults对象。在给定的控制器方法中,我将如何"等待"。搜索结果,然后搜索返回以前的
缓存数据,或从Google API中新获取的数据?
Third, I am having an asynchronous coding issue... The very last line of code is setting a Public searchresults object. In a given controller method, how would I "await" the result of the search, and then have the search either return the previously cached data, or the newly acquired data from the Google API?
Stew Basterash
>>我不想为每个页面请求点击Google API ...每天一次就足够了
Google maps api is a interface that google company expose for the user, user can use the api to get some useful data.If you want to get some new data that you don't have , I think you need to invoke the api to get you want.
根据您的情况,y您可以将json数据存储到内存,文件,XML文件,SQL DB等中。至于什么是最好的方法,你应该考虑数据大小,数据持久性,存储和检索数据的性能等。如果日期不大并且没有重要,
For your situation,you could store json data into memory,files, XML file, SQL DB and so on. As for what is best way you should consider tha data size , data persistence, performance of store and retrieve data, etc.If the date is not larger and no important, I think you could create a member variables to transport between controllers.
最简单的方法是 在GoogleDataCompleted 方法结束时创建成员变量并更改值。 如果 值已更改,您可以从主线程监控成员变量的值。如果更改,则会显示
表示 线程正在运行。
The easiest way is that create a member variable and changed value at the end of GoogleDataCompleted method . And you could monitor the value of member variable from main thread if the value has changed . If changed , it shows that The thread is running over.
Best regards,