本文介绍了使用 Require 和 Resharper 进行前端 javascript 测试的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


So I've been trying to figure out how front end testing works (unit testing) but I am getting stuck on some point.

So I have my jasmine test set up as follows:

describe('Blabla', function () {

    it('returns true', function () {
        var people = require(["people"], function(ppl) {
            return ppl;
        expect(people.getTitle()).toBe('People piolmjage');

But running this gets me:

So obviously, people is undefined. So perhaps my callback comes in too late. But if I remove the callback I get following error:

it('returns true', function () {
    var people = require("people");
    expect(people.getTitle()).toBe('People piolmjage');

I figure there is something wrong in my setup...Anyone have any idea how to get this FE testing to work?

I did manage to get it to work from console and using define combined with phantomjs and the durandal test files but I need this to work outside of the console and hereby I cannot use this define because the test runner won't find my tests.

That's why I need to use the CommonJS was of getting the required viewmodels.

people model

function () {
    var getTitle = function() {
        return "hello";

    var peopleViewModel = {
        title: 'People page',
        getTitle: getTitle
    return peopleViewModel;


I got the code working but not with resharper. Following this page from the durandal webpage.

But this gets me console output which is way to unstructured to actually read through.

I can however use the define keyword and then it works fine. So I assume it is the require keyword where I mess up something?


So I used fiddler to check what is going on. I also finally got it working (kinda...).

My testfile looks like this now:

///<reference path="../../Scripts/require.js"/>
///<reference path="../../test/lib/jasmine-2.1.3/jasmine.js"/>

///<reference path="../../App/viewmodels/people.js"/>

describe('Blabla', function () {
    it('require test', function (done) {
        require(['people'], function (people) {
            expect(people.title).toBe('People page');

And then I changed my people file:

define("people", ["bla"], function (bla) {
    return {
        title: 'People page',
        bla: bla

As you can see here, I name my viewmodel to be people.This works for the testrunner but he doesn't actually get any files through requireJS but only the reference paths. Also this does not fit my needs because the durandal models are unnamed.

Fiddler screenshot:

So basically he does not use requireJS to get the viewmodels and therefor I cannot just use the require.config initializer to get to my viewmodels folder and download every viewmodel using requireJS. Any thoughts?


I finally got it working, took me like a day and a half.

Anyway I don't use resharper anymore, or it's test runner to be more precise.Chutzpah is the one I turned to in the end. This too took me some research but I got it to the point where it includes everything as I want it to.

Check this post for sure

Here is what I did:

My people.js looks like this:

define(['viewmodels/bla'], function (bla) {
    return {
        title: 'People page',
        bla: bla //testing dependencies on other viewmodels

Then I also made a bla.js

define(function() {
    return {
       bla: "bla"

And now for the tests:

describe('Blabla', function () {
it('require test', function (done) {
    require(['viewmodels/people'], function (people) {
        expect(people.title).toBe('People page');

it('dependency on require test', function (done) {
    require(['viewmodels/people'], function (people) {

And then eventually, reading the answers on the link provided on top I had to create a Chutzpah config file to create a test harnass:

   "Framework": "jasmine",
   "TestHarnessReferenceMode": "AMD",
   "TestHarnessLocationMode": "SettingsFileAdjacent",
   "References" : [
       {"Path" : "../Scripts/require.js" },
       {"Path" : "requireConfig.js" }
   "Tests" : [
     {"Path": "specs"}

Now, running the tests with Visual studio test runner actually gets me everything I need and as you can see, I can now access all my viewmodels through require like so: require(['viewmodels/whateverviewmodel'], function(whateverviewmodel){....})

I hope this answer can get people on their way to testing your (Durandal)SPA using Jasmine and RequireJS.

I know my viewmodels in this answer, nor in the question itself, say much but this should get you an idea of how to go about all of this.

Small Edit

You can now also skip the callback mess with require([]... inside of the tests and build your tests like you do your viewmodels with define

define(['viewmodels/people'], function (people) {
    describe('Blabla', function () {
        it('require test', function () {
            expect(people.title).toBe('People page');

        it('dependency on require test', function () {

This gets you less indents and is more readable in itself.

这篇关于使用 Require 和 Resharper 进行前端 javascript 测试的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 20:05