


There appear to be two NuGet packages to use async/await in Silverlight applications. I've used


so far, but this didn't show up in the search anymore. Instead I found

这不是典型的,除非你更改其名称,以取代一个封装与另一个上的NuGet。在这种特殊情况下,我相信 AsyncTargetingPack 被(错误地)上市没有$ P $租赁前的标记,然后球队在微软采取了更广泛的方式(支持更多的场景)在 Bcl.Async

It is not typical to supersede one package with another on NuGet unless you change its name. In this particular case, I believe AsyncTargetingPack was (incorrectly) listed without the "prerelease" flag, and then the team at Microsoft took a wider approach (supporting more scenarios) in Bcl.Async.

Bcl.Async 在我的脑海取代 AsyncTargetingPack 时,它是第一个(pre)发布了数个月以前,但有一些困惑,原因有二:1)仍称 Bcl.Async 作为异步瞄准​​包,而球队2) Bcl.Async 包得(正确地)列为$ p $租赁前,因此对于很多开发者只是 AsyncTargetingPack 将在搜索的NuGet显示

Bcl.Async in my mind superseded AsyncTargetingPack when it was first (pre)released several months ago, but there was some confusion for two reasons: 1) The team still referred to Bcl.Async as the "async targeting pack", and 2) The Bcl.Async package was (correctly) listed as prerelease, so for many devs only the AsyncTargetingPack would show up in NuGet searches.

同样,这都是猜测,但我怀疑微软团队决定离开的东西,因为他们,而不是向后兼容打破谁已经在使用的开发者 AsyncTargetingPack

Again, this is all speculation, but I suspect the Microsoft team decided to leave things as they were rather than break backwards compatibility for devs who were already using AsyncTargetingPack.

现在 Bcl.Async 是在最终发布,它们可以(做)回去和纠正 AsyncTargetingPack / Bcl.Async 查询股价,使现有的和新开发者可以很容易地找到正确的包。

Now that Bcl.Async is at a final release, they can (and did) go back and correct the AsyncTargetingPack/Bcl.Async mixup so that both existing and new devs can easily find the correct package.


05-21 12:24