本文介绍了使用JavaScript的JSON Web密钥的加密密钥的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am a newbie in JavaScript or GatewayScript. I have a requirement where I need to convert the content of a .pem (which is in DataPower under local:///cert or can be added into a crypto object) to JWK.


Could anyone help me with the starting point on how to develop a javascript to

  1. 从DataPower引用加密密钥对象(示例加密密钥)对象JWKCryptoCertObj)
  2. 解密加密密钥对象(示例JWKCryptoCertObj.pem)
  3. 将密钥的内容转换为JSON Web密钥(jwk.readCertificate())
  1. refer the crypto key object from DataPower (example crypto keyobject JWKCryptoCertObj)
  2. Decrypt the crypto key object (exampleJWKCryptoCertObj.pem)
  3. Convert the content of the key to JSON Web Key (jwk.readCertificate())


So far I have got to know that jwk.readCertificate() can help me to convert a key object to a JWK.


I have tried the below piece of code to fetch it:

var jwk = require('jwk');var myJWK = jwk.readCertificate('cerjwk');console.log(myJWK);

var jwk = require('jwk');var myJWK = jwk.readCertificate('cerjwk');console.log(myJWK);


However, I get the below error in DataPower:

3:13:17 AM mpgw error 1277869681 error 0x00d30003 mpgw (PortTest): Rejected by filter; SOAP fault sent

3:13:17 AM multistep error 1277869681 request 0x80c00009 mpgw (PortTest): request PortTest_Policy_rule_1 #2 gatewayscript: Transforming the content of INPUT. The transformation local:///jwk.js is applied. The results are stored in testop. failed: Internal Error

3:13:17 AM gatewayscript error 1277869681 request 0x85800007 mpgw (PortTest): GatewayScript processing Error 'Error: Named certificate 'cerjwk' not found In file 'gatewayscript:///modules/jwk.js' line:428, stack:Error: Named certificate 'cerjwk' not found at Object.readCertificate (gatewayscript:///modules/jwk.js:428:18) at Object. (local:///jwk.js:5:17) at Script.execute (gatewayscript:///datapower.js:155:24) at Object. (gatewayscript:///datapower.js:582:55)'

3:13:17 AM crypto error 1277869681 request 0x8580005c mpgw (PortTest): Named certificate 'cerjwk' not found


Could anyone help me with the issue here? Thanks in advance!!


无需转换证书.只需将其添加到Crypto Key对象中,然后在调用中使用该对象的名称(例如"crykey-my-key")即可,例如:

There is no need to convert the certificate. Just add it into a Crypto Key object and use the name (e.g. "crykey-my-key") of the object in the call, e.g.:

const jwk = require('jwk');
const myKeyJWK = jwk.readCertificate('crykey-my-key');

这篇关于使用JavaScript的JSON Web密钥的加密密钥的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 13:10