


Why are the container classes in System.Collections.Immutable, ie ImmutableList<T> sealed ?


I would like to inherit them and have to go through an ugly and error prone composition+proxy ..


Just trying to understand the reason here ?


所有类型都应密封,除非它们是为扩展而专门设计的. 设计扩展程序既困难又昂贵,而且容易出错..

All types should be sealed unless they are specifically and carefully designed for extension. Designing for extension is difficult and expensive and easy to do wrong.


Moreover: there are security and correctness implications when you use a type that allows extension. By making the type sealed, the authors of the type are telling the consumers of that type "if you receive an instance of this type, you can rely on the fact that you are actually getting the type that was written by Microsoft, tested by Microsoft, and had the source code published by Microsoft". You can write tests and have confidence that the runtime behaviour will match the test time behaviour because no one else is capable of making their own crazy extension that has a bug.

问题是倒退.您永远不要问密封类型的原因. 密封应该是该语言的默认设置.相反,我们需要解开一个类型的原因:因为它是为扩展而设计的,因为它是由认真理解扩展的所有含义的专业人员实施的,并且因为该类型的消费者愿意承担不知道什么的风险他们正在调用的代码实际上是这样做的.

The question is backwards. You should never ask for a reason for a type to be sealed; sealed should have been the default in the language. Rather, we need a reason to unseal a type: because it was designed for extension, because it was implemented by professionals who carefully understood all the implications of extension, and because consumers of the type were willing to take on the risks of not knowing what the code they're calling actually does.


08-28 08:07