I know a few similar questions have been asked, but none seemed to help me so here it goes. I am trying to get sublime to run when I use 'subl' in the Linux terminal but I just cannot get it to work. I tried
sudo ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text usr/bin/subl
并确实正确创建了文件,看起来似乎不错,但是随后当我使用subl命令时,它说未找到命令'subl'".现在,我已经安装了rvm,因此可能有所作为.我也尝试了'usr/local/bin/subl',结果是一样的.我什至后来在上面的命令中使用了rvmsudo,它说已经创建了文件,但是subl命令仍然不起作用.我在这里想念什么?请记住,我是Linux的新手,也是Linux的新手.如果有必要,请运行ubuntu 12.10
and that did create the file correctly so it seems, but then when I use the subl command it says 'No command 'subl' found.' Now I have rvm installed, so that may make a difference. I also tried 'usr/local/bin/subl' and the result was the same. I even used the rvmsudo afterward with the above command and it said file already created, and yet the subl command still does not work. What am I missing here? Keep in mind that I am a)new to linux b)new to sublime. Running ubuntu 12.10 if it matters
我正在使用Linux Mint 13,但对您来说应该相似. cd
进入/usr/bin .应该有一个名为 sublime-text-2 的文件.复制该文件,并命名为 subl .然后subl
I'm using Linux Mint 13, but should be similar for you. cd
into /usr/bin. There should a file called sublime-text-2. Copy that file and name subl. Then subl
command should be usable in the terminal.
cd /usr/bin
sudo cp sublime-text-2 subl
Just in case, here is the contents of the file:
/usr/lib/sublime-text-2/sublime_text --class=sublime-text-2 "$@"