


想象一下 twitter like服务,其中用户提交了一个帖子,然后被许多(数百,数千或更多)用户阅读。


我的研究似乎强烈指出了将缓存用于90%的方向,然后将帖子存储在另一个长期的持久性系统中。因此,到目前为止,我的想法是将Redis用于缓存。它的优点是Redis速度非常快,并且它内置了pub / sub,非常适合将帖子发布给许多人。然后我正在考虑使用MongoDB作为更永久的数据存储来存储相同的帖子,这些帖子在Redis到期后将被访问。



2.关于在Redis和Amp中存储帖子的机制。 MongoDB,我当时正在考虑让该应用执行2次写入:1-向Redis写入,然后对订阅者立即可用。第二-成功存储到Redis后,立即写入MongoDB。这是最好的方法吗?我是否应该让Redis将过期的帖子推送到MongoDB本身?我曾考虑过这一点,但找不到直接从Redis推送到MongoDB的信息。



一个关键点是所需的弹性级别。 Redis和MongoDB都可以配置为达到可接受的弹性水平,并且应在设计时讨论这些注意事项。另外,它可能会限制部署选项:如果您想同时为Redis和MongoDB进行主/从复制,则至少需要4个盒子(Redis和MongoDB不应部署在同一台机器上)。



The Setup:
Imagine a 'twitter like' service where a user submits a post, which is then read by many (hundreds, thousands, or more) users.

My question is regarding the best way to architect the cache & database to optimize for quick access & many reads, but still keep the historical data so that users may (if they want) see older posts. The assumption here is that 90% of users would only be interested in the new stuff, and that the old stuff will get accessed occasionally. The other assumption here is that we want to optimize for the 90%, and its ok if the older 10% take a little longer to retrieve.

With this in mind, my research seems to strongly point in the direction of using a cache for the 90%, and then to also store the posts in another longer-term persistent system. So my idea thus far is to use Redis for the cache. The advantages is that Redis is very fast, and also it has built in pub/sub which would be perfect for publishing posts to many people. And then I was considering using MongoDB as a more permanent data store to store the same posts which will be accessed as they expire off of Redis.

1. Does this architecture hold water? Is there a better way to do this?
2. Regarding the mechanism for storing posts in both the Redis & MongoDB, I was thinking about having the app do 2 writes: 1st - write to Redis, it then is immediately available for the subscribers. 2nd - after successfully storing to Redis, write to MongoDB immediately. Is this the best way to do it? Should I instead have Redis push the expired posts to MongoDB itself? I thought about this, but I couldn't find much information on pushing to MongoDB from Redis directly.


It is actually sensible to associate Redis and MongoDB: they are good team players. You will find more information here:

MongoDB with redis

One critical point is the resiliency level you need. Both Redis and MongoDB can be configured to achieve an acceptable level of resiliency, and these considerations should be discussed at design time. Also, it may put constraint on the deployment options: if you want master/slave replication for both Redis and MongoDB you need at least 4 boxes (Redis and MongoDB should not be deployed on the same machine).

Now, it may be a bit simpler to keep Redis for queuing, pub/sub, etc ... and store the user data in MongoDB only. Rationale is you do not have to design similar data access paths (the difficult part of this job) for two stores featuring different paradigms. Also, MongoDB has built-in horizontal scalability (replica sets, auto-sharding, etc ...) while Redis has only do-it-yourself scalability.

Regarding the second question, writing to both stores would be the easiest way to do it. There is no built-in feature to replicate Redis activity to MongoDB. Designing a daemon listening to a Redis queue (where activity would be posted) and writing to MongoDB is not that hard though.


08-04 08:09