在源代码管理中排除/包含 VS 2015 解决方案的 .vs 文件夹的最佳做法是什么?
What's the best practice for excluding/including the .vs folder for a VS 2015 solution in source control?
在初始构建/编辑后,我只看到一个 .suo 文件在[Root]/.vs/[SolutionName]/v14/.suo"处创建,所以我假设这是旧的 ' 的替代品[SolutionName].suo' 并且应该被排除在外(通常) - 但是在我可能想要版本化的某些情况下,其他设置/等是否会被放置在那里?
After an initial build/edit I only see a .suo file created so far at '[Root]/.vs/[SolutionName]/v14/.suo', so I'm assuming that's the replacement for the old '[SolutionName].suo' and should be excluded (generally) - but will other settings/etc be placed there in some scenarios that I might want to version?
来自 this uservoice,我猜答案是应该忽略它,只是想在更新所有机器设置之前确认一下,因为我没有在任何本地文档中看到它.
From this uservoice, I'm guessing the answer is that it should be ignored, just wanted a confirm before I updated all my machine settings since I didn't see it in any local docs.
您不应将 .vs
You should not check .vs
into source control.
它只包含 Roslyn 使用的临时缓存.
It just contains temporary caches used by Roslyn.
这篇关于.vs 文件夹到 Visual Studio 2015 中的源代码管理?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!