


I need some help on the basic architecture of my code around the login process. I'm implementing Async Http processing to get things working for ICS.


the goal of this code is for logging into my app.

  • 登录形式从UI(Login.java)提交

  • 连接到我们的服务器,并通过HTTP GET XML结果
  • 通过用户名/密码
  • 解析XML结果数组。 (ParseXML.java)

  • 在UI
  • 显示效果反馈。

  • Login form submit from UI (Login.java)
  • connect to our server and pass username / password via http get XML result
  • parse XML results to array. (ParseXML.java)
  • display result feedback in UI.

现在这一切曾在我的程序试图与它执行ASYC HTTP连接我很快就意识到我的问题ICS测试后然而,领着我怀疑我的整个设计...

Now this all worked in my program however after trying to test with ICS which enforces Asyc HTTP connections i quickly realised my problem and led me to doubt my entire design...


the basic way it currently works:


  class Login {
    ParseXML myXMLParser = new ParseXML();
    myXMLParser.doLogin(username, password, Login.this);

    public doFinished(result) {
      // update UI


  class ParseXML {
    // class variable to hold login object for async to access
    public Login loginObj;
    public void doLogin(String _username, String _password, Login _l) {
      loginObj = (Login) _l;

      // create loginUrl string to run through async
      new DownloadFilesTask().execute(loginUrl);

    class DownloadFilesTask extends AsyncTask<a, b, c> {
      doInBackground() {
        // do stuff
        // download result of http call
        // parse XML

      onPostExecute(result) {
        // call the public class variable of login object i have and tell it to update the UI
        // pass back the result array.

我最关注,其糟糕的设计是做事这样,我应该只是提出我的Login.java文件中的XML和HTTP连接code所以它包括所有(UI,HTTP,XML解析, ASYC)。

I'm mostly concerned that its bad design to be doing things this way and I should simply move the XML and http connection code within my Login.java file so its all included (UI, HTTP, XML Parsing, Asyc).


Particularly i'm concerned with calling back to Login.doFinished() from onPostExecute(). is this bad for memory? I'm worried that would cause the ParseXML object to avoid garbage collection because it is now going back to Login Activity which will continue running once the user is logged in in turn holding ParseXML open.

我来自一个PHP的背景,所以我一直试图保持 ParseXML 模块,这样我知道到哪里寻找内我所有的XML解析和HTTP处理改变这一点。

I come from a PHP background so I have been trying to keep all my XML parsing and HTTP processing within the ParseXML "module" so that i know where to look for changes to this.

目前 ParseXML 处理所有的HTTP工作,即 getUsers getChannels ADDUSER delUser doLogin 等,但我应该尝试将所有的code办理相关屏幕/活动,使他们在自我包含的XML和HTTP连接(异步)?

At the moment ParseXML handles all http work, ie, getUsers, getChannels, addUser, delUser, doLogin etc. But Should I try moving all the code to handle XML and HTTP connections (async) within the relevant screen/ activity so they are self contained?

我真的AP preciate有这方面的帮助。

I really appreciate any help on this



I should simply move the XML and http connection code within my Login.java file so its all included (UI, HTTP, XML Parsing, Asyc).

This is exactly what we trying to avoid in an OO design, a big damn class contains everything (UI stuff, business logic and etc).

根据您的要求,有良好的面向对象deisgn IMO是:

Based on your requirement, a good OO deisgn IMO is:

  1. 创建界面IBusniessDAO定义所有的方法签名(getUsers,getChannels等)。

  2. 创建一个POJO(AKA。普通Java对象)XMLParser类实现IBusinessDAO,在这个类中,通常写你的方法实施,在此不处理任何异步执行(即不是企业POJO的工作)。在何处以及如何将这些方法都旨在用于(同步或异步)的呼叫者类(即活性)被确定。如果将来说,你想与JsonParser更换XmlParser的,简单的创建JsonParser实现IBusinessDAO并更换XmlParser的。

  3. 的AsyncTask始终保持活动(作为一个内部类),如果需要活动的网络功能,只需初始化您在本活动IbusinessDAO对象,并正确地调用与网络相关的方法AsyncTask.doInBackground()方法,并更新用户界面东西通过这个活动直接在AsyncTask.onPostExecute()方法。管理


Check out the sample code I written in this answer before, hope this helps.


07-23 02:26