本文介绍了Heroku的; “在Procfile中没有定义这样的进程类型的web”错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  heroku ps:scale web = 1 



我正在学习本教程,最后我无法做到heroku open。我收到的错误是,所以我试图将我的网页动态调整为1。我有一个Procfile.txt,它里面有

  web:node app.js 


它应该只是 Procfile - 没有扩展名。您需要删除 .txt

mv Procfile.txt Procfile 应该为你解决它(如果你在* nix上)。

I'm trying to do

heroku ps:scale web=1

However I'm getting the error

No such process type web defined in Procfile.

I'm following this tutorial Real Time chat with Node js and I'm not able do "heroku open" at the end; the error I received was H14 so I'm trying to scale my web dynos to 1. I've a Procfile.txt and inside of it has

web: node app.js

I've read that I would need to make sure the "P" is capitalized and everything spell correctly which I have. So I'm not sure why I still can't scale my web dynos to 1.


It should just be Procfile - no extension. You need to drop the .txt.

mv Procfile.txt Procfile should fix it up for you (if you're on *nix).

这篇关于Heroku的; “在Procfile中没有定义这样的进程类型的web”错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 18:43