我遇到与,,(nota bene,我其实是不确定他们是不是所有人本身。
I'm having the same issue as this guy, this guy, and this guy (nota bene, I'm actually not sure if they're all guys, per se).
他们最终找到了自己的解决方案,但没有一个适用于我的问题。我在iOS 8应用程序中使用Xcode 6.1,附带扩展名。应用程序和扩展程序都依赖于包含的框架。当我尝试将应用程序提交到商店时,我得到的验证警告是错误ITMS-9000:无效的包。在'xxxxx.appex'的包中包含不允许的文件'框架'。
They all ended up finding their own solutions, but none of them apply to my issue. I'm using Xcode 6.1 in my iOS 8 app with an included extension. The app and the extension both rely on an included framework. When I try to submit the app to the Store, the validation warning I get is "ERROR ITMS-9000: Invalid bundle. The bundle at 'xxxxx.appex' contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'".
我甚至找不到名为Frameworks的文件。共享框架应该保存在/ Library / Frameworks,这是Apple推荐的保存位置。该项目还使用Cocoapods,这使我成为唯一的其他可能的罪魁祸首,因为它的配置文件中引用了$ FRAMEWORK_PATH(虽然构建文件夹不包含具有该名称的文件或文件夹)。
I can't even find a file called Frameworks. The shared framework is supposed to be saved at /Library/Frameworks, which is Apple's recommended save location. The project also uses Cocoapods, which strikes me as the only other possible culprit, since it has references in its configuration files to $FRAMEWORK_PATH (though the build folder doesn't include a file or folder with that name).
OK for future viewers here's the fix:
当你创建自己的iOS框架时(我正在使用Xcode 6.1)当你构建它时,最终产品在框架包本身中包含一个'Frameworks'文件夹。即MyFramework.framework / Frameworks。即使您没有指定复制文件/嵌入框架构建阶段,也会发生这种情况。
When you create your own iOS framework (I'm using Xcode 6.1) when you build it the final product contains a 'Frameworks' folder in the framework bundle itself. i.e. MyFramework.framework/Frameworks. This happens even if you don't specify a copy files/embed frameworks build phase.
What you have to do is to go into you framework bundle, find the empty frameworks folder and delete it. This should not affect your app's functionality in any way. Then build your app and check that the embedded framework doesn't have a Frameworks folder as planned.
Your archive should now not contain the offending folder and the error should be gone!