


I am querying a badly maintained buildings database that has records similar to the following:

ID    NAME          CODE
54    Building A    a1234
97    Building A    a1234


I am querying using the following JPQL statement (where "bCodes" is an array of building codes):

SELECT building FROM Building building WHERE building.NAME IN (:bCodes)

如预期的那样,如果bCodes ="a1234",我将同时获得两条记录. JPQL中是否有一种方法只能拉回其中一条记录?到目前为止,我找不到任何方法-在这种情况下,GROUP BY和DISTINCT似乎无法正常工作.

As expected, I get back both records if bCodes = "a1234". Is there a way in JPQL to only pull back one of the records? I can't find a way so far - it seems that GROUP BY and DISTINCT won't work in this context.



I would recommend fixing your database (remove duplicates and put a unique constraint on the appropriate columns). However, to answer your question, you could further filter your query with a subquery that picks an arbitrary id:

SELECT building FROM Building building 
WHERE building.code IN :bCodes
AND building.id = (SELECT MIN(b2.id) FROM Building b2 
                   WHERE b2.name = building.name 
                   AND b2.code = building.code)


10-14 22:41